Good Afternoon!
*You will have some time to work on the worksheets from “The Most Dangerous Game”.
The Most Dangerous Game: Character Chart
*The Most Dangerous Game: Comprehension Questions
*Allusions in “The Most Dangerous Game
*Quick search: The role of men and women in the Victorian Era…What would it have been like to be a man or a woman living during the Victorian Era? Search out the history of this time period then answer this question….
*Read aloud the short story “The Waltz”.
*We looked at gender roles…looking at gender roles in “The Waltz”. What did you all learn about gender roles in the Victorian era? Discuss
*You were asked to write a few paragraphs from the man’s perspective –anyone want to share theirs aloud??
* We will read the short story “Borders” by Thomas King
Online Learners (M-Z)
*Work on the worksheets above on “The Most Dangerous Game”
*Work on your essay outline on “Long Long After School” and “A Teacher’s Rewards”.
*Work on your Wednesday Write from Yesterday.
*No Red Ink from yesterday…