Daily Archives: November 5, 2020

Thursday November 5th, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Silent Reading (15-20 min)

*Literature Circles:  please prepare your roles for tomorrow’s discussion

*Background Novel Infograph assignment:  Some groups have indicated they need time to work on this.  If your group is done this assignment…you can work on the new project:  Tic Tac Toe


  1.  Please ensure your Wednesday Writes portfolio and reflection are uploaded to teams
  2. Please upload your best copy of your Wednesday Write to Teams
  3. Please upload your infograph sometime today onto Teams.
  4. Continue to work on No Red Ink.


Thursday November 5th, 2020

Good Morning,

*Today, we are going to watch a movie…


Online Learners (M-Z)

*If you have not yet uploaded your Best Wednesday Write and/or portfolio and reflection…please do so.

*Continue to work on your Inquiry Project (Literature 5-8 is due today)

*No Red Ink:  continue to work on this…