Good Morning!
Once at this site you will login with the username/password I give to you….When you first log in, it will ask you a series of questions based on your interests in pop culture. After this, there is an activity for you to complete on Building Compound and Complex Sentences. Make sure you go through the tutorial!
Yesterday, we completed the short story elements activity for “Long Long After School”, and worked on a Venn Diagram for Wes and Ms. Trethway.
Your good copies will be due on Thursday September 14th, 2018
*Please print off your paragraph and submit on paper (sorry I find it is easier on my old eyes to mark on paper).
*I would also like you to post this on your Edublog. Please Tag the post with
-We will go over the short story elements Worksheet for the short story “Long Long After School” (D Block)
-We will go over the Venn Diagram for Wes and Ms. Trethway.
-“A Teachers’ Rewards” –read aloud.