Daily Archives: November 29, 2018

Thursday November 29th, 2018

Good Morning,

Yesterday  we did silent reading, worked on No Red Ink (Commonly Confused Words IV), and worked on our role Sheets

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circle Discussions:

-Brainstorm what a good discussion looks like…

1.Asking questions
2. Listening actively to others
3. Responding thoughtfully to others
4. Providing elaborations or explanations
5. Stating the main idea or supporting details
6. Using the text/article to support ideas and opinions
7. Making personal connections to real life experiences
8. Making connections to other books, articles, theories
9. Reflecting on the reading by setting new goals, sharing
implications for practice, or suggesting new ways of doing things
10. Writing down highlights to be shared during whole class share

*Working Documents

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* Discussions