My environmental interaction
When i wake i normally don’t turn on the lights till i take a shower i normally shower for 5 to 10 minutes not everyday thought i then eat breakfast which doesn’t require any electricity
My environmental interaction
When i wake i normally don’t turn on the lights till i take a shower i normally shower for 5 to 10 minutes not everyday thought i then eat breakfast which doesn’t require any electricity
Artifacts of learning.
1.) Pictures
2a) The story of your experience: We started out wanting to create a light and design are own but we saw a lot of other groups doing that so when ms. Robinson suggested to do a PowerPoint to document everything that has gone on we though that was a good idea. We have been documenting everything from the first PowerPoint to the last.
b.) With whom you connected: we didn’t really need to directly connect we just listened to what the other groups questions were and what the responses were.
c.) What you did/made: We did a PowerPoint that documents everything that has happened during this project.
3.) Skills you gained: How to explain more about the things your doing also that it doesn’t take much to help someone out.
b.) How you feel you met your learning goals: I think i met them on an okay basis because i didn’t really show a lot of network into the project we didn’t connect with anyone outside of the class. But other than that i think i met my learning goal.
4.) A debrief of the experience:
a.) How the collaboration went: For the most part it was pretty good it’s sometimes a little harder to work in a group because not everyone will like your idea. Our PowerPoint turned out pretty good a lot of information of what we learned.
b.) What you did well/ What can you improve; I did well on the information we put in the PowerPoint but i could work on making it more organized and sticking to one idea not all these little slides think of the big question.
c.) How you felt about connection-based learning: I liked how we got to come up with the ideas on what we were going to do we didn’t have to do it on something we didn’t want to. I also liked how we got to talk with other people outside are class room that was pretty cool.
How cells multiply
Sexual Reproduction: There must be a male and a female for sexual reproduction. To produce a living thing the males sperm cell has to be able to fertilize the egg of the female. If the sperm cannot fertilize the egg the women will not be able to conceive a baby. Not one person alike has the same DNA as you. Unless you are an identical twin. By combinding genetic information from two people of different sexes you can produce a new living organisms.This processe can happen with animals, humans and even plants.
Asexual Reproduction: The clone will be an identical copy of the parents. It mostly happens with plants, bacteria, and fungi. There are all different types of Asexual Reproduction. The offsprings are genetically identical to the one parent. It does not involve the fusion of gametes.
Mitosis: It’s when a single cell divides into two daughter cells. When it divides the two cells will become identical. The most significant purpose is to replace worn out or old cells. It’s also an Asexual Reproduction.
Meiosis: The cell division reduces the numbers of chromosomes. Most cells divide to produce two copies of themselves. Is mostly apart of Sexual Reproduction.
How organism grow: Organism grow when the cell divides because this doubles how many organisms their are. They are constantly dividing. Because organisms keep on growing in your body needs consistent supply of nutrition and oxygen. When you get an injury or a bruise, your body heals them by developing more cells than your body normally does on that spot.
Understanding Reproduction: Reproduction can happen in two way Sexual reproduction and Asexual reproduction. They are different things but they almost have the same function cut one you need two living creatures and the other you just need one. But they both produce something
Mutation story
Part 1:
I am Preiffer syndrome i come in every 1 to 10,000 kids but today i chose you. You will be diagnosed with type 2 one of the most sever types. it’s a dominate genetic disorder so only one of your parent has to carry the gene. But you will get this as a new mutation none of your parents carry the gene so it didn’t get passed down to you. When your still in your mom womb. The plates in your head will join together to early. The skull can’t expand as the brain grows which leads to a limited brain growth. as goes for your other bones in your skull they will form premature and it will effect the shape of your head and face. It will also effect your hands they will be wider than most peoples hands and your thumbs will be deviated. You will be born with a cloverleaf shaped head and bulgy eyes. You probably won’t have a very long life because kids with type 2 or 3 have a higher risk of death than kids with type 1. You got this because their is a mutation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and chromosome 8. The gene code fibroblast growth , are important for normal bone development. It also can be the change in the FGFR 1 or FGFR 2 and can alter protein function and cause prolonged signaling.
Part: 2
What are questions you are trying to answer.
What is Pfeiffer syndrome, How does it effect their life How many people does it effect, Do they have as long as a life expectancy, Does it effect them mentally or physically or both.
How did you try and answer your questions
To find the questions that i wanted to answer i had to use multiple sites. Like Google thats were you can find most of the information but then you have a full list of sites that all contain information i also found one youtube video that gave a pretty good explanation on what Pfeiffers syndrome.
Did you find relevant information to answer your question and cite where you found it.
I found all the information that belonged to my questions some of the information was easier to find than others.
i also found a YouTube video
How did the process go
The story was a little hard to right because you can’t really get creative with it because it’s mostly facts. But it was a cool and more interesting way to do it righting it as a story.
First people principle of learning.
The First people have very good principles
I chose this photo because it represents a lot of their principals in one photo.
The first principle i looked at was learning takes patience and time. I think that this is a very good principle cause a lot of people now a days just want it then and their right when they want it. When take time to learn it will engrave in your head more which will lead to more information you can tell to other people and patience is one of the best quality a person can have.
The second principle i got was learning involves recognizing the consequences of ones actions. This is a good one to because you can’t just go around blaming other people for what you did. Own up to your own mistakes. in the end you will probably get in less trouble than if you were to blame other people and that’s just not fair on the others person part.
The third one is Learning is embedded in memory, history and story. I think this means that when you learn something it came from somewhere, someone, a place. It never just randomly showed up. All things you learn have a history and a story you just have to dig deeper to find it.
I think are worked is related to some of the First People principles like for our projects if someone didn’t contribute they can own up to it them selfs not have one of the group members tell the teacher. That we couldn’t always find the information we were looking for we just had to have more patients to find what we needed. We all kinda had are own responsibility not everyone would work on the same thing and their always tends to be a leader.
the principles i used to connect with the project was Learning evolves recognizing the consequences of one own actions also Learning involves patience and time and the last one we used was Learning involves generational roles and responsibility.