Category Archives: Grade 10

Astro wonder 2018 Part#2

Astro Wonder part#2


1.) The questions I needed to research to get my answer were? Are there any planets that can maintain human life, Are there any planets in the future we could live on and what would life look like on another planet then when you found out these questions you could go into more detail and research how could the human race live on Mars, How could we live in space long term.

2.) I mainly used google because I’m most familiar with it. I also tried to find websites that were based from NASA or other space companies because their research may have more real facts in them. I also tried to watch some YouTube videos about my question and that brought visual parts to it.

3.) To investigate this project I would look up my main topic I would go on a website and try to narrow down the information then I would go on google again and from the research I found I would put down a more complex question that would narrow down the searches till I found the perfect information.

4.) I verified my answer by finding a space based company like NASA and other companies because those normally have accurate information. If I couldn’t find what I was looking for on their I would go on a well used site and read the comments to see if their were any hoax. To site I just used a website that helps you with that.

5.) The proses of completing this challenge went very well I really liked the question I had so I was existed to learn more about it so I was willing to find and learn more about this information. I think I could have improved by going into more depth on my question.

Astro wonder 2018 Part#1

Astro wonder 2018

My question:
I wonder if there are habitable planets in outer space for the human race?

The date was November 2013, the astronomers from Kepler space mission gave information that their could be more than 40 million earth sized planet that orbit around a sun like star that’s in the safe zone so we wouldn’t burn from the heat. This got me wondering could any of these planets be our next earth. The one that they know the most information is Ross 128. It could possibly be habitable for the human race some say some form of life already habitats it (we may have company). Ross 128 is 11 light years away from the earth so it would almost take 270,000 years to make it there. Right now they are searching and trying to find out if their is oxygen in the atmosphere. Right now in their search its mostly guesses but the astronomers are thinking that this planet might have a surface temperature amenable to human life which would be a big step. Ross 128 is also circling around a dim star. Then there’s Mars this one is probably the most talked about because theirs a lot of facts on it and isn’t to far from the earth only 7 years which wouldn’t take someone’s whole life in a space ship. They want to send and land on mars by 2027/30. The big question about Mars is how could we live their long term. The atmosphere on Mars is mostly carbon monoxide and Mars surface is to cold to sustain human life. The main problem to get to Mars would be landing right now there trying to find out how they will land they have 2 methods that could possibly work but they won’t be 100% if they will work till they land. Then they have to figure out what we would live in it wouldn’t look like a house because Mars doesn’t have the same atmosphere as us and the houses would get destroyed . All the structures would have a few things in common and they include. They have to be self-sustained, sealed against the thin atmosphere, and being able to sustain life for a long period of time without the help of earth. So could there possibly be a new earth. We probably wont see it in are life time but there is a great possibility that one day there will be a new earth.


Biotechnology and Genetics blog post


Cloning is when the genetics of two things or objects are replicated and resemble exactly the same no difference what so ever. Cloning can happen in a natural way that the environments produce or they can happen were they were made by man.

The technology are ????

Artificial embryo cloning

Its the same process that happens inside of the mother but this way starts in a Petri dish and the eggs are not inside the mother till later. In the early stages an embryo is separated into some cells. They can divide and develop in the Petri dish for a short while. They then get placed in the mother and they finish developing. since they all come from the same egg they will be identical.

Somatic cell nuclear transfer

Somatic cell is any other cell in the body than the egg and the sperm. Reproductive cells are called germ cells. Every mammal has a somatic cell that contains too chromosomes so that means there is only one germ cell. Nuclear is the compartment that holds the cells DNA. The DNA is separated in too the two chromosomes and that is enough information to form an organism. Transfer this process brang one item to the other. First they isolated the somatic cell and then they removed the nucleus and DNA from all the egg cells. They later transferred the nucleus from the somatic cells and then to the egg. To get it perfect they had to do some chemical tweaks. This process did the same thing as the other just a different way of doing it.

The greatest advance for cloning would have to Somatic cell nuclear transfer because this one is far more complicated and advanced than the other one the example would be Dolly the sheep she was the first mammal clone.

Image result for dolly the sheep

This biotechnology is best used for medical research because it can help with a lot of different types of research.

This form of biotechnology is changing the world with medical issues. Right now there doing a stem cell clone project everyone needs stem cells to live and if we can clone them they could help peoples life’s out. Like repair diseased organs and help with diseases. They could start bring endangered or extinct animals .






The Metaphor Essay

The Metaphor Essay

It’s all fun in games till some one gets hit by a bus

Charlette had Ms. Hancock in grade 7 and followed her to grade 10. Ms. Hancock was very flamboyant and overenthusiastic, so in grade 10 Charlette never even gave her a smile. When Ms. Hancock got in a tragic accident Charlotte felt bad but her mother said get over it because she didn’t like Ms. Hancock.

Charlette will more likely end up like her mom because that’s all she knows. She grew up and saw everything her mom did. While she only knew Ms. Hancock for a short 2 years.

Ms. Hancock and Charlette’s mother were very different people. They both had different effects on Charlette. Ms. Hancock cared about everyone. She tried to touch her students with poetry and literature. She cared for the kids even if they didn’t care for her. When Charlette read a metaphor about her mom it painted a negative picture of her. Ms. Hancock asked Charlette “May I see you for a moment” (p.68).When they were talking about the metaphor Ms. Hancock asked would you like to talk about your mother “I don’t really knows what it means”.(P.69). Ms. Hancock asked once more you want to talk about and so Charlette said no. So their discussion ended. Ms. Hancock wanted to talk about the metaphor about her mom to see if she was okay with her mom this shows that she truly did care for Charlette and her felling’s

Charlette’s mother is very organized doesn’t like a mess and not very empathetic. Can be cold. When Charlette was a baby and playing with her toys her mom would always tell her “why not keep them all in one spot” Because Charlette’s mom didn’t like their to be messes everywhere. Charlette’s has to clean up every mess there is because her mom says “that’s not a pretty site” which more than likely makes Charlette fill useless. When Ms. Hancock died her mom seemed glade “She only had her self to blame” said Charlette’s mom when Charlette said she was the reason Ms. Hancock died.

Charlette found out more about who she wanted to be like she grew up and found out more about who she was. When she slapped the guy in the face for making fun of Ms. Hancock when she was dead because Charlette did care about Ms. Hancock it just took tragedy for her to realize it. The deeper meaning in this story love and respect people when their here because you wont get them forever and find out who you are as a person and never let it go even if people don’t like it your self happiness is far better than what other people think.

Food 11 Lab Reflection #1

Lab Reflection #1

For this lab reflection i chose the carrot muffins. Because i really enjoy making muffins its my go to thing to make if i’m in a cooking scenario.  This lab was enjoyable because it was the first lab that we did in the year so it was exciting. The product turned out great it was golden brown and crumbled when you split it in half it checked off all the boxes for the muffin chart. My group worked perfectly fine together we all had are takes and if one of us every needed help with anything one of us would jump in to help so the lab ran very smoothly. If i was to do this lab again i would maybe add cranberries instead of raisins because i per-fer sour over sweet and cranberries would add a little bit more sour flavor to the muffin.