One Minute Video


Anthony Van Hulsen

Mr. Barrington

English 12

June 13, 2019


The basis for our one minute film, was the poem Ronald McDonald’s Elegy. Our film began with Ronald Mcdonald dying in a hospital bed, as he is dying, a man is eating a McDonald’s burger that visibly makes him disgusted. The moment Ronald McDonald dies, the man tosses the burger to the ground in disgust. This scene has multiple symbols, Ronald McDonald symbolizes McDonald’s as a firm; and with the death of Ronald McDonald, comes the end of an era of good food at McDonald’s. The man symbolizes McDonald’s customers, with the death McDonald’s standards, the customers are no longer willing to eat their food, therefore the man throws the burger on the ground. Although this scene was not in the poem, it provides a backstory for the film, and the use of symbols enhances the viewing experience. The following scene shows Ronald McDonald laying in a coffin, which is just a mere nugget box. This shows the disposability of Ronald McDonald and how he is not really cared for. The next scene shows children crying, and the workers being happy. This shows how the death of McDonalds mainly affects children, as they care more about Ronald McDonald and usually enjoy McDonalds food more than adults; while the workers, who are the ones that see the true side of McDonalds and how they treat their employees, are relieved. The final scene shows the same customer eating at Wendy’s, this shows how quickly people can move on, as there are always alternatives. We were also able to encompass the satirical and sarcastic nature of the poem within our film by including elements of humour and satire. Such as the worker cooking a bun on a stove, and the burger slowly falling on a string. With this project we learned a lot about transferring literature into film. We learned how to find the key elements of a poem and implement them into our film. We figured out how to emphasize certain emotions and set a somber mood by using background music.

Lit circle Discussion #1

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These were the questions I made for the group, but we ran out of time and could only answer four of the questions.

  1. How has the main character’s family impacted their lives?
  2. If you were in the main characters shoes, how do you identify with the main character?
  3. How would you define the main characters identity?
  4. What connections have you made from the main character that can relate to the author’s life experiences?
  5. What conflicts so far have made the main character question their own identity, similar to the short story “The Name Jar”?
  6. From the characters we have talked about today, what are the differences and similarities of how the main character’s environment made an affect on their lives?

Historicall Background On Novels

Why do we have to know the historical background on novels.

The historical background on novels can justify the authors text and give the reader greater understanding of the novel. Knowing what events are happening throughout the novel can help the reader make connections to their life. Big historical events cause great effect to people’s life’s, they can change the way people think around the world and be the reason for many different emotions. The author may write the book baced on the historical background in his life.

Benifits of Technology

Look around yourself, there is technology everywhere you go. Imagine your life without technology? Technology has given us so many benefits in our everyday lives, from the many modern convinces like cell phones and internet to crucial benefits like medicine and transportation. You can know communicate with friends and family across the world, by clicking a few buttons. We can embrace technology and use it to help us advance as a society in every way possible. From the start of time humans have learned to create new tech and we need to continue doing this. We need to be on the hunt for new technology, so we can find ways to fix major problems, such as climate change or poverty. Without the desire to climb to new heights in terms of technology, we would be stuck in the same ways forever. With new tech humans have been able to accomplish the unthinkable, like going to the moon, so why shouldn’t we strive to accomplish more incredible tasks like this. Experts say, by the year 2030 emissions from transportation vehicles will be down 40% by using new technologies and this is a step in the right direction for our environment. Time will tell what new technology brings to us, but like Sir Arthur C. Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic”. I believe that only our imagination can limit us in the creation of amazing new technologies.

Works Cited

Anthony, et al. “Pedestrian Debate.” Google Docs, 2019.

Clarke, Arthur Charles. Profiles of the Future: an Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible. Indigo, 2000.

reports, Wire. “European Auto Industry Faces Tough CO2 Emissions Reduction Target for 2030.” Automotive News, 17 Dec. 2018,

Desmos Art Function Card 2018

When I was trying to figure out equations for this project I used my understanding from previous units to remember the equations. I also had to look back at the book and experiment with equations that I forgot could work on my card. In some cases I could use multiple equations for certain pieces on my card and it was challenging to figure out which equation would be best for the job based on the different qualities of them. For me it was hard to figure out how to shade in my self portrait, I had to change many of my equations so that I could be able to shade certain parts. Another challenge was to use a rational function, because I had completely forgot about them. I ended up adding two of them in on the center of my reel. I got help from some of my friends in different classes, since we did the project during the break. One of my friends gave me the idea for my card while we were going to the store to get some ice fishing gear together. A strategy that I used was giving all of the functions individual names so that I could use the names to shade in parts of my card. This holiday card helped me become more efficient, because had to input so many different transformations, functions, and relations, and this made me memorize how they all looked and what I needed to reflect or translate the functions into what I wanted.