Daily Archives: November 15, 2023

Wednesday November 14th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Best Buddies:  Friday November 17th…Alisha and Rehab:  solidify your activity.

*Calendar:  Hallway needs to be updated to state daily themes and lunch activities

*Head’s Up:  Little Buddies on Tuesday November 21st.  Please wear appropriate clothing for the walk to Central.  Reminder…NO PHONES!

*Unified Soccer:

  1.  Hang posters
  2. Remember your role
  3. Be ready to go at 3pm

*Theme Lunch Activities:  ensure the following

1. there is an announcement in morning announcements

2. canva on instagram and myschoolday app

*Spirit Assembly Powerpoint: Please ensure anything you need for the powerpoint gets to Eric today!!  REHEARSAL IS ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17TH AT LUNCH.  YOU NEED TO ENSURE ALL MATERIALS FOR YOUR ACTIVITY ARE


a)  posters:  we will hang these today

b) Canva made with all of the daily themes

c)  make sure all materials (benches/basketballs, plastic balls etc are ready to go.  Let’s compile a resource list for the PE department

d)  Bubble soccer –promotion needs to start this week –ask for ‘video’s on why they should be chosen’ showcasing school spirit –so announcements/ promo needs to go out by Tuesday/Wednesday.  Students will need to submit videos by Friday November –should we start recruiting??

Wednesday November 15th, 2023

Good Morning!


*Poetry Assignment:  Due Wednesday November 15th

*Poetry Test:  Thursday November 16th

*No Red Ink:  Body Paragraphs

Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”

-We will be working on Spoken word:  we will look at a few samples of Rants…




*Spoken Word:  Brainstorming activitiy

Warm up spoken word free write activity:  Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses.  Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses:  what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?

Examples:  Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.

a. homesickness

b. grief

c. love

d. joy

e. emptiness

f.  time

g. envy

Spoken Word Activities:

*Techniques for Creating Word Play

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*Word Play Activity

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