Government Responsibility

1. Write a three paragraph response to the above question.  Your first paragraph should focus on the main arguments from one point of view, the second on arguments from the other and your final paragraph stating your position on the issue.

1: The government should be responsible for the actions that other government groups have made in the past because they made laws that affected and ruined many people lives. They put tax’s on Chinese immigrants and made residencial school which made people commit suicide and go insane. Just these 2 things that were done ruined thousands of families and caused families to break up and leave each other. There are still affects that are going on today and you cant really change the past.

2: The Government shouldn’t be responsible for the past decisions because they were not in power at the time and were not the ones making the Decisions. Even though that are in power now and technically the “government” is still responsible for the mistakes that they made no one who is currently in the government was there and helped make the decisions that affected families.

3: I think the government shouldn’t be fully responsible for what happened in the past but I do think that they should still apologize for the wrongs that were done by their organization. Even if it wasn’t them they are still associated with the group that did make the bad decisions. They should also teach kids in school about what happened because it is important to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes ever again.

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