Tag Archives: ADL16collaborationfluancy

Stop Motion



The group Josh Nathan and me (Fraser) worked very well together and we accomplished everything that was needed. The parts that people did were: Josh pictures and editing, Nathan script and part of research and me voice over and the other half of research. There where no problems with us getting there parts in for the project to be done on time. The only thing that could have made the stop motion  better was having more pictures and a little more time.

Establish: We established who was going to be doing what. We did that by finding everyone’s strengths and finding the job that fit them best.

Envision: We planned out when we would have time to  do everything so it would be finished on time.

Execute:  We started to figure out what the project was  going to look like and what materials we are going to use.

Examine: Everything went as planned we collaborated well together and no one had a problem with what there job was. It all  ran smoothly.



(PS: Sorry that it was a little late I thought I pressed Publish but I pressed Save Draft instead. I am extremely sorry for any inconvenience.)