Tag Archives: HCD

What it means to be human…

Humans want to communicate

Humans have/need a dream

Humans have a desire to help others

Humans seek happiness

Humans need friends/ Humans need companions

Humans want to learn/ seek knowledge

Human need to express their emotions

Humans can be ignorant and should be more aware

Humans fight for what they believe in

Humans have conflict/war

Humans prevail despite conflict

Humans may abuse power

Humans evolve

Humans want to be remembered because most like recognition

Humans disagree

Humans are discriminatory/racist

Humans like to make our lives easier and better

Humans like to help and fight against  perceived injustice

Humans are curious and seek knowledge

The book Holes is written by Louis Sachar. The book is about a boy who finds a pair of sneaker that fell off a bridge  as he was walking home. The police drove by and stopped stopped him and arrested him for stealing a famous basketballs players shoes. The boy was then taken to a place in the wilderness instead of jail and at his place they would have to dig a big hole in the ground everyday.  They eventually found out he wasn’t guilty and let him go home after many events happening in the wilderness. So the lesson I learned is not to get mad because things in your life go wrong but most of the time it will work out in the end.