Category Archives: English 9

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Reflection:    Some of the things that I have learned through out the project is how to imagine the scenes in my head and draw the scene on paper. I also learned how to incorporate others ideas of creativity into the project. And learn how to collaborate with people better.

By  Fraser Olson

The African Well

Small Acts of Kindness

  1. A small deed in the story was when Ms. Ralston said that girls can go for water. The way that she expressed that deed was when Ms.  Ralston hit the ball out into the ox pasture. In that moment, it clicked for all of the boys.  The thing that clicked was that they knew that they were treating girls unfairly and that girls should be able to go for water.
  2. A small  act of kindness is when you do  something for another person with out being told to  do  so.
  3. I know 2 people that did a random act of kindness. Their names are Drew and Grace Descourouez. They are 17 and 15 years old.  They live in California but I met them in Africa. Drew and Grace were in Africa for a specific reason. They were there to see the village that they raised money for to build a well. Drew and Grace once saw a  newspaper article about a poor village in Africa that needed a well. Drew was so moved by the situation that he and his sister started fundraisers at his high school. Some of the fundraisers that they hosted were bake sales, charity runs and walkathons.  There was something different about their walkathons though. For their walkathons people had to  walk a long distances carrying big jugs of heavy water.  Drew didn’t know anyone who  lived in that African village. The only thing that he knew about those people was that they had a lot less than he had and he wanted to help.

 By: Fraser Olson

 Image result for bulding wells in africa