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Legalization of Marijuana

I don’t think legalizing marijuana is a good idea for one simple reason I believe to be true. Marijuana is a drug and when you take it the drug changes the way that you act around others and alters the natural state that you brain was in. Everyone brain continues to grow even past the age of 20 or 30. You are constantly learning new things all through your life and if you use a drug that hinders you brain from preforming at the best it can it should be illegal.

  • Its marijuana is dumb there is no argument to why it should be legal.


I think that they should legalize it for everyone if they chose to legalize it not just for people older then 18 because the people that marijuana affects most are young teens/kids brains that are still developing at an accelerated rate. Whether the drug is legal or not teens/kids are still going to smoke it.  If you legalize the drug then teens/kids can get it from dispensaries and you then know the drug is clean and doesn’t have other drugs put into it to make it more addictive. That is the main problem is that weed now from drug dealers have more THC levels which makes you higher when you smoke it and reduced CBD which evens the high out and is the medical side to the drug. In dispensaries the drug would have a more even amount of the THC and CBS. They can control the levels that is in the plant. So if they legalize it they should legalize it for everyone of all ages because teens that get weed from drug dealers are probably laced and if not have very high THC levels which damages your brain. So to reduce harm if you can give the teens drugs that aren’t laced and have much more evened out THC and CBS levels it would benefit the development of the brain.

3 Arguments Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal Reviewed