Decisions, Blog Log #2

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Something that really interested me about this article was the topic. It was a really interesting topic to read about because of how it really demonstrated decision making, indicates why we make certain decisions and proves that most people when faced with multiple decisions will regret their decision later on. Another reason this is really interesting to me is the metaphor she used for this topic, it was about a donkey who had to choose between 2 equally appealing stacks of hay and he died from hunger not knowing which one to choose. This specifically interests me because with everything we have now for shopping it is really hard to choose what you may want, especially considering the fact that you can be at any store in seconds with a click of a button. I can defiantly relate to this with many, many, many experiences, being presented with multiple things and thinking you chose the best one, but later on realizing you liked the other one more is the worst feeling. what I really liked about the authors writing style was that she really conveys her point clearly and explains the details.