*Silent Reading/Literature Circle Role Sheet: You have time to silent read or work on your role sheet forThursday’s discussion.
*”I wonder Statements: On a sheet of blue paper, you are to write down “I Wonder Statements”. These are questions that you may be thinking as you have been reading your novel so far. These statements will be pinned to the back board.
*Novel Share out: One member from each novel will meet in a new group formation. Once you are in your group, each person will share out what is occurring in their novel up to the point you have read so far. This is so that while you may be learning about your own novels, you also have a greater understanding of the other novels your peers are reading. Some things to think of and share out
1) Main plot points so far
2) Major themes you can see…
3) Describe some of the characters so far
4) Where is your novel taking place.
You will have 5-10 minutes to write down your thoughts/ideas and then you will be sharing this with your multi-novel groups.