Monday February 22nd, 2021

Good Afternoon!

Today we are starting out with our Prose Fiction Terms and Rhetorical Devices (arguments only) Quiz

We will go over some of the work that you were to complete on “The Most Dangerous Game”.

The Most Dangerous Game:  Character Chart

*The Most Dangerous Game:  Comprehension Questions

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*Allusions in “The Most Dangerous Game

*Quick search: The role of men and women in the Victorian Era…What would it have been like to be a man or a woman living during the Victorian Era?  Search out the history of this time period then answer this question….

*Read aloud the short story “The Waltz”.

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*We looked at gender roles…looking at gender roles in “The Waltz”.  What did you all learn about gender roles in the Victorian era? Discuss

*You were asked to write a few paragraphs from the man’s perspective –anyone want to share theirs aloud??

* We will read the short story “Borders” by Thomas King

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Online Learners (M-Z)

*Work on the worksheets above on “The Most Dangerous Game”

*Work on your essay outline on “Long Long After School” and “A Teacher’s Rewards”.

*Work on your Wednesday Write from Yesterday.

*No Red Ink from yesterday…

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