Daily Archives: October 22, 2020

Thursday October 22nd, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Silent Reading

* Poetry analysis:  we have been working on analyzing five poems in groups.  You will have a few minutes to finish your analysis and then each group will explain one of their poems to the class.  After this, your groups document is to be posted onto the discussion board on Teams.

This lesson is about learning rhythm and scansion.  It is usually a harder topic to learn.  It is regarding how to learn iambic pentameter or trochaic tetrameter for example.

“Casey at the Bat”:  please read the poem on the first link.  After you read the poem, you can watch the two attached cartoons below.  After, you can work on the questions attached to the poem on the first link.  The second link is an additional resource.



*Looking Forward To Next Week: You will be having a poetry test…so you may want to review…

*Novel Background Information Infographic assignment


Thursday October 22nd, 2020

Good Morning! (A-L)

*Silent Reading

*Novel Background Infographic:  How are we doing?

Novel Inquiry Project:  This is an inquiry based project where you will be making connections between the novel you chose to read with other literature.  Please Read the following document:

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Please hand in your first task of this project by Friday October 30th. The first task is the document below…it is the English 12 Connections Based Inquiry Project Planning Sheet:

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You will need to complete the project (and due dates will be coming the following week….)

Literature and Document Part 1:  Due Tuesday November 3rd

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Literature and Document Part 2:  Due Thursday  November 5th

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Final Project Due:  Monday November 9th

fingers crossed these dates work…


Online learners (M-Z)

Please Read the documents above on the Connections Based Novel Inquiry Project…this is coming down the line so you may want to look through…

*Please continue to read your novel (to where your group has agreed…)

*Novel Background Information Infographic:  please work on this assignment.

*Wednesday Writes:  you can continue to work on this…this will be posted next Tuesday October 27th.

*No Red Ink:  You can continue to work on this…