8th Fire: It’s Time


No Red Ink-Unit Diagnostic this is not for marks, but will allow me to assess where we should  begin with grammar. https://www.noredink.com/join/spooky-branch-5

Pre-Discussion: In your table groups, you will be given a time in history/topic to research and share out to the rest of the class. Your group should focus on how these events impacted Indigenous Peoples.

  • Have you heard the phrase “get over it” used toward Indigenous People before?
  • How did the fur trade impact Indigenous Peoples?
  • What is a Wampum Belt? What does that say about the systems of Indigenous Peoples pre-contact?
  • What is the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and how did it initially impact Indigenous Peoples?
  • What is the Enbridge Pipeline and what are the pros and cons for Indigenous communities? Who should ultimately make decisions around this?

8th Fire Ep. 2 Viewing Questions