Thursday, Friday – October 3, 4



  • Friday
    • Watch the film – questions for the movie are in the Short Story tab – we will have a bonus marked discussion on these questions on Tuesday, Oct 8
  • Thursday
    • homework check for #9 and #10 questions for Horses of the Night
      • read during the check
    • discussion of above – be prepared
    • make sure you return tomorrow with the movie permission form

Tuesday, Wednesday – October 1, 2




  • we will finish discussing the T-chart – question #6 and then proceed to the rest of the questions which are due tomorrow (Thursday)



  • homework checks (P3 and P4 -see TEAMS for what this was) for Horses of the Night
    • during the check – read over the rest of the questions – look up some of the terms you do not know in the questions; skim through the story; read the plot review
  • discussion of the questions
  • finish the rest by Wednesday, Oct 2

Thursday, Friday – September 26, 27




  • Period 4 read story and get started on the chart – Due Tuesday, October 1
  • Period 3 instructions:
  • start work on the questions:
    • point form is fine but make sure you return to the story for EVIDENCE (page #’s, parts of text/quotes) to back up your thoughts
    • questions #3 – #7 are due for the beginning of Tuesday’s class, including the T-chart (on the blog) in question #6
    • See the Plot summary of the story on the blog (under Horses of the Night materials) to help you with the T-Chart



  • Today’s schedule:
  • Finish the Introduction to Hopepunk
  • Discuss what Allegory is
  • Introduction to the short story


Monday, September 23



Please follow these instructions:

  • open the Peer Editing Sheet and the Assessment Rubric FROM the blog
    • you must get an editor to annotate on your 99% completed draft copy by using comments
    • write the name of the editor at the top of the DRAFT copy because the editing comments will be in your name
    • the editor should use the Peer Editing checklist as a guide for suggestions to make; example: run-on sentence OR need proper capitalization OR spelling error OR sentence does not make sense OR too wordy, be more concise, etc.
    • once the editing process is complete:
      • copy and paste your draft with the comments to the Final Edited Draft in TEAMs
      • go through the comments one by one, make the necessary changes, delete the comments – do a final check for:
        • proper spacing, formatting, title, NO BLUE lines or RED lines
        • TURN-IN essay by tonight
  • If you get all of this done early, go to the Writing and Grammar tab
    •  do down to the HEADING:
      Materials for comma-splices and fused run-ons: (and start work on the Sentences review document)

      • Grammar Rules
      • Sentence Types this contains info for the review assignment
      • Sentence Types Review


Monday to Thursday – September 16, 17, 18, 19




  • timeline of due dates:
    • End of Wednesday – graphic organizer complete
    • End of Thursday – a ‘getting there’ draft copy is evident
    • Beginning of Monday’s class – your draft copy is 99% completed and ready for peer review with the editing checklist – this DRAFT is NOT  a ROUGH copy – it needs to be mostly ‘hand-in’ ready!
    • Final good copy due Monday night



  • We will review more of the instructions for the essay
  • look at how to write a hook and how to attribute sources


  • We will review the essay documents
    • these are all on the RED tab of the blog and have been uploaded to TEAMS
    • the writing process via the documents must be completed on the docs uploaded to TEAMS
    • by the end of tomorrow’s (Tuesday) class, you need to have the Resources document filled out with at least 6 quotes/points/bits of evidence/nuggets of info RIGHT (and write) on the document

Thursday, Friday – September 12, 13




  • We will discuss the Pro-Article –  ChatGPT Is Coming for Classrooms Pro – be prepared to discuss
  • we will review the assignment and some of the other resources that you can choose from to start assembling your ideas


  • homework check: questions 1, 2, 7, 8 and 10 from the Dark Ages article due for discussion
  • briefly read and discuss Chat GPT is coming for classrooms – what is the best ‘nugget’ of info from this article?
  • Introduce the assignment documents – all in the RED tab – READ the headings!!

Tuesday, Wednesday – September 10, 11



  • Attendance – would you rather…?
  • we will discuss Conti’s perspective on AI – discuss and take notes from the discussion – remember that materials we read/watch/discuss become the resources/materials for your argumentative/persuasive essay
    • homework check on Wednesday – have your Ted Talk document on your desktop – READ the Harris transcript during homework check
  • Look at both transcripts for other persuasive techniques in them

Monday, September 9 (shortened schedule today)



  • Attendance: would you rather?
  • play Free Rice during the Homework Check (Analysis of Tools) – discussion of the last Tool – AI
  • Discussion of Rhetorical Appeals (RED tab)
  • We will start in on the resources for the issue
    • Ted Talk #1 – Maurice Conti (materials in the RED tab); start work on the annotations document

Welcome to English Studies 12 – Wednesday, September 4 to Friday, September 6

Welcome to English Studies 12

Agenda for the Week:


  • Attendance: Would you rather….
  • Work on and finish the Analysis of Tools assignment (in the RED tab) – be prepared to discuss today
  • Next: we will look at the rhetorical appeals materials in the RED tab, and perhaps the first videos on the issue


  • Attendance – reminder to sit in the same seat… which Captain Holt are you feeling today??
  • Please make sure that you send the email/questions if you did not do this yesterday!
  • Review the Course Outline: English Studies 12 Semester One Fall 2024
    • please fill out the signature page for tomorrow
  • Introduction to the Argumentative/Persuasive essay topic
    • All materials for this essay are on the RED tab of English 12



    • Introductions and Attendance – find a seat… seating will change as the semester progresses, BUT for the time being you MUST TAKE THE SAME SEAT so I can learn your name through the seating plan I’m creating today – so choose wisely
      • when I call your name, please raise your hand and tell me which Stanley you’re feeling today
      • Wheel Game
    • Email Etiquette: Email Etiquette for students – English 12
      • you will address four prompts/questions from the list of questions
      • you will write in a personal but professional way following the rules of email etiquette 101
      • roughly a paragraph of writing – English Studies 12 Introductory Email Questions
      • the email is due at the end of the class: