Friday’s Schedule – Last Day of School! Woo hoo!

Tuesday and Wednesday:

  • Scales:
    • completion of all seven – see the Experimental Writing tab for the prompts
    • Discuss the one you like the best and why; be prepared to share with me 🙂
  • Independent Projects: read some of the work of your peers, maybe make a friendly comment; lots of great writing to be read!

Grade 12 Schedule for Friday

  • Stream                9:00 am – 9:15 am (locker clean-out and lock return, yearbook distribution)
  • Blk 1                     9:20 am – 10:30 am
  • Blk 2                     10:35 am – 11:45 am
  • Lunch  11:45 am – 12:40 pm –  (Cafeteria reserved for Grade 12s to gather and sign yearbooks)
  • 12:45 – 1:30 pm – (Grade 12’s go to Cafeteria for BBQ)
  • 1:30 – 1:45 pm – (Grade 12’s go to Gym and line up in bleachers according to group numbers)
  • 1:45 – 2:30 pm Commencement rehearsal
  • Dismissal at end of rehearsal

Monday, May 6 to Friday, May 10




  • we will begin with a writing warm-up
  • tone exercises
  • work on the Review – extension to Monday, May 13
  • BUT you also need to start coming up with your topic for SW – see the resources on the Poetry tab of the blog, but start with the document called:
    • Plan, Perfect, Practice, Perform – you don’t ‘fill’ out this document, but use it as a guide/steps  to do all your brainstorming, writing of drafts, up to the final one for your performance in your journal.



  • Spoken Word Activities
  • Work on your Review


  • a look at some “Masters of Spoken Word”
  • Spoken Word Warm-up activity in your journals (Scales or if you have another one)
  • Work on your Review assignment


  • Scales combo with Spoken Word Warm-ups – prompt is in the Experimental Writing Tab
  • We will discuss Spoken Word – intro to the materials in the Poetry Tab of the blog
  • write down your intentions for the review … provide a few details about the creative, cultural piece that you are reviewing – be prepared to share with me….start working on it – BUT FIRST…
    • go over the Review Assignment and the Assessment Rubric – in the Creative Non-Fiction tab of the blog – start work on it.
    • It will be due to TEAMS on Friday, May 10

Wednesday, Thursday – May 1, 2



  • assemble/staple your narrative essays to the checklist – hand in
  • finish the four texts
  • review assignment – in the Creative Non-Fiction Tab of the blog
  • some warm-up for Spoken Word to be completed in your Scales:



  • paper copies of your narratives out please – use the editing checklist to have your paper annotated/edited
    • annotated paper copy stapled to check-list and handed in tomorrow
    • digital final draft due tonight
    • do not forget to format correctly – see instructions
  • Have the annotated  ‘four texts’ document on your desktop of computer for a HW check
    • discussion of the texts in class

Tuesday, April 30



  • class activity – the document is in the Creative Non-Fiction tab; the document is called Persuasion
  • Finish reading the four texts and annotate on the document according to the instructions
    • annotations and preparation for discussion due tomorrow – Wednesday
    • ALSO – bring a paper copy of your 99.9 % completed narrative essay for the peer-editing process

Monday, April 29



  • Monday Reading! – read through the following texts on this document: Creative Writing 12
    • once you are done reading, you may work on your narrative essay
    • the questions are not due tomorrow, but read through all four today
    • while you are reading, I will come around to check on your first draft
  • For Wednesday, you must bring a paper copy of your narrative essay, and you will have some time to have a peer-editor give you feedback – but there will not be any class time to work on the essay tomorrow or after the peer-editing process


Wednesday, April 24 to Friday, April 26




  • Another work day on your narrative essay – I will continue one-on-one discussions about your idea/s
  • have a draft for Monday, April 29 – paper copy not necessary, but have some progress to show me
  • you will have some time on Tuesday, April 30 to share your work with a peer-editor and a checklist (or with someone else you are comfortable with) SO make sure you come to class on Tuesday with a paper copy
    • we will be moving on to another activity during the second half of Tuesday’s class
    • the essay is due Tuesday night to TEAMS



  • Brainstorming activity due today
  • one on one discussion about your idea/brainstorming will start today
  • have some content written (however disorganized it may be) by tomorrow to show me
  • if you are stalling with the flow of ideas, do not scroll  – READ and take advantage of all the resources available to you on the blog


  • we will do a brainstorming activity and then you will start writing the Narrative essay
  • all materials are in the Creative Non-Fiction tab of the blog

Tuesday, April 23



  • Scales today: see the prompt in the Experimental Writing Tab
    • have your annotations out on the desk and your questions up on your desktop for me to check while you are writing
    • Discussion of Girl on Fire
    • if time we will start the Brainstorming sheet
      • all materials are in the Creative Writing Tab of the blog

Monday, April 22



  • Reading: New York Times Personal Narrative Contest Winners
    • don’t spend too much time looking through; pick two or three based on the intrigue of the title and settle in to reading
  • Discussion of A South African Storm – from Friday… get the notes if you were away…especially the annotations of devices
  • Girl on Fire – work on the questions – they are due tomorrow for HW and discussion; the questions are in the Creative Non-Fiction tab of the blog

Wednesday, Thursday – April 17, 18



  • double homework check and discussion: the annotations on the paper (Eclipsed) and the questions on the narrative
  • New narrative/personal essay in the Creative Non-Fiction tab
    • we will read and start on the questions
      • #1 is due tomorrow (Thursday)- you will have some time to work on the questions tomorrow, but all the work must be done before going into the Pro-D day (long weekend for you)