#1, 3 and 4 from the Narrative Template are due today
you will bring your idea to me for review – while you are waiting for your turn, start writing your narrative OR review the resources on the blog:
rhetorical techniques, show don’t tell activity, the instructions, the rubric/evaluation scale, the exemplars, read other essays (see the heading: Readers Make the Best Writers)
BUT no talking
Also, writing a narrative and using writing techniques is helpful for generating ideas for your Spoken Word, so start mulling over a potential topic. For your Spoken Word, all work (brainstorming, drafting, final product) must be written in a small journal; have it by the end of this week!!!! More to come!
Tuesday: check-in and start writing
Wednesday: check-in and writing
Thursday: writing
Friday: a 99% – mostly there draft is due at the beginning of class; review for:
proper punctuation with dialogue -see the image on the Writing and Grammar tab
a proper hook
logical sequencing of event/s – story/narrative details balanced with reflection
Showing not Telling – descriptive imagery and accessing of the senses for your reader; highlight parts on your draft
a conflict/narrative complication and a thematic take away – can you highlight where your thematic insight is implied or explicitly revealed?
minimum: four examples of rhetorical manipulation; one is parallel structure and one is figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification) – the other two can be anything (anti-thesis, rule of three, alliteration, anadiplosis, etc.)
we will start Spoken Word on Friday as well
Monday, November 18: Essay is due to TEAMS – NO class time on Monday
Thursday, Friday – November 28, 29: In-class performances for Spoken Word are DUE
Tuesday, December 3 – School Wide Open Mic performances in the cafeteria – all English classes attend
Creative Non-Fiction Writing Brainstorming Sheet is due today
we will go over the other documents – Instructions etc. today
Tuesday, November 12 – the idea for your Narrative essay is sorted out and you are ready to share with me; you must have #1, 3 and 4 from the Narrative Template completed – the Writing and Grammar Tab
Wednesday – start writing your narrative
Rough – but mostly there – draft is due: Friday, November 15
Final good draft is due: Monday, November 18 to TEAMS
the annotations for The Opposite of Loneliness are due
What is the thematic insight into life? What thesis statement could you write for it?
What is the conflict?
Start with this activity: Creative Non-Fiction Writing – Brainstorming English Studies 12
under the heading/s:
Materials for the Narrative Essay Getting Started Documents:
the test is mostly multiple choice but has a section where you need to correct two incorrect (non-parallel sentences) by making them parallel
there is another section where you have to identity the pattern that makes the sentence parallel; here are the patterns – so make sure you understand them:
Verb tense pattern
Subject – verb agreement pattern
Correlative conjunction pattern (not only, but – neither, nor – either, or…)
Prepositional phrases pattern
Subordinate clauses pattern – which begin with subordinate conjunctions
homework check for the annotations and questions – A South African Storm
discussion of above
reminder – test on Parallel Structure on Wednesday, November 6
Homework check for Chomp Chomp Parallel Structure #2 (online #3)
New essay: A South African Storm:
we will read it together and start work on the questions.
Homework check for the Libraries narrative essay:
looking for annotations on the essay: highlighted parts and labeling (metaphor, parallel structure, isocolon, etc.)
you have answered the questions as well, either on the essay doc or a separate doc
discussion of above
Work on Parallel Structure # 2 (#3 in online Chomp-Chomp) – due tomorrow
We will review The New York Times article for devices and techniques – link is in the Writing and Grammar tab
First Essay: Libraries – use the resources for rhetorical analysis in the Writing and Grammar tab to answer the questions and annotate right on the paper copy of the essay handed out – due tomorrow
Work on Parallel Structure #2 in Chomp Chomp – due Friday
Parallel Structure Ch. 26 – review the first 8 sets for what is not parallel
homework for Monday, October 28: rewrite the 10 sentences so they are parallel
Start working on Chomp Chomp Parallel Structure: Parallel structure 1 – Remember: you can do the online version but you must have a record of your answers either on the PDF download or a separate document – complete the first 10 for Monday, October 28
For the remainder of the class:
Finish any edits you might have for the final, good copy of your essay, which is due tonight to TEAMS
Have your paper copy of your draft out and exchange with someone at your table. Using the Synthesis editing sheet, annotate on the draft copy of the essay, and answer the questions on the editing sheet
Chomp Chomp #2 and Parallel Structure Package Ch. 26 (#1 -8 sets) are due tomorrow for review in class
Conjunctive adverbs – see materials in the writing and grammar tab – probably tomorrow
Essay is due tomorrow night to TEAMS – remember to bring in your paper draft with the editing sheet to class on Monday – no school on Friday 🙂
Instruction for MLA Citation – see the materials in the SS tab of the class blog
continuation of yesterday’s essay check-in
Chomp Chomp #2 if time
rough draft of your essay is due today
students will bring up their drafts to me; quiet in the room while…
…you are waiting for your turn to show me your draft, options to work on:
work on your essay: tweak, make sure quotes are properly integrated, make sure you have analytical verbs, etc.
analytical commentary, page numbers, techniques? how is the quote significant?
as a table group, share and compare your quotes; eliminate overlaps, discuss the significance of each (should have four); write a sentence that follows the Sentence Patterns for Discussion document:
Ray Bradbury’s use of satire in The Veldthighlights the overly materialistic family and
the lack of connection between the children and their parents. Their tools and toys become more important than their relationship with each other: “I thought that’s why we bought this house, so we wouldn’t have to do anything?”
When you are finished, go to the Padlet posted in your TEAMS English 12 class and create a post; then, copy and paste your work into the post
For tomorrow’s class, have your thesis statement ready
lesson on ‘verbs of analysis’ and a refresh of how to integrate a quote
work on essay; which means read through the sources… start formulating a thesis, and start working on quotes
what are the most important quotes in
Horses? …allegory evidence? allusion evidence…? symbol evidence..?