Matthew's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Essay about “European contact and settlement impact First Nations”

on January 16, 2015

Today, we are to settle this argument on the “European contact and settlement impact First Nations (FN).” although they’re some things that the FN benefited from, I have sided with the negative side and its my job to analyze the information to prove that their were more negative, than positive.

FN impact wasn’t all bad, turns out their were good things like: The fur trade gave the FN pots and pans which allowed them to cook food, they were given guns which in war, they won’t be in a disadvantage, the guns can get quick kills in hunting and in war, unlike bows which have to reload every time you fire a arrow, a gun can fire multiple bullets without reloading, the fur trade actually helped the FN more than the European. Five examples, five good things that happened to the FN, but don’t forget they’re still bad things to.

Remember there are good things, and bad things, these bad things are: there was a language barrier which means they don’t understand what the Europeans talking about, the guns can backfire and even kill you, some groups of FN didn’t even get a gun which means a disadvantage in war, pots and pans need to be clean in order to not get sick, guns are loud and could scare a pack of animals, they received brandy which made the FN addicted to it, which means they won’t be able to hunt or do their jobs. Also the Europeans could take advantage and do a unfair trade, guns are heavy at the time and it could affect their aim, FN believes that there’s no land ownership, where the European claim land ownership, The FN followed the animals, where the Europeans are settled in one place, the FN believed in spiritual beliefs, where the Europeans are catholic, Some FN didn’t want to change their religion, the ones who did convert they got a better advantage, the Europeans kidnapped Taignoagny and Domagay, which led to distrust, the Europeans put a cross on the beach saying “this is our land” this made the FN mad. All of these examples are most of the bad things that happened to the FN when the Europeans came.

Although they’re some things that the FN benefited from, I have sided with the negative side and this is my argument on “European contact and settlement impact First Nations.” If the British found Canada before the Europeans, would they do the same bad thing as the Europeans?

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