Creation Myth Presentation

Creation Myth Presentation

Develop your own creation myth story to explain how plate tectonics have affected human populations around the world. The stories can be a collection of short anecdotes or one short story that incorporates all key terms. Your story will be performed in front of the class with an “author’s cut” afterwards to explain how and why each key term was incorporated into the story and how plate tectonics affects human practices.

Your story should answer the following questions:

  • How/why did the Lithosphere, Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, and Centrosphere form?
  • How/why did different rock types and formations form? (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, sill, dyke, columnar jointing, batholith)
  • How/why are the plates formed and are moving to create faults? (convergent, subduction, divergent, mid-ocean ridges, transform, trenches, rift valleys)
  • How/why are there different volcanoes, island arcs, lahars, pyroclastic flows, calderas?
  • How/why do earthquakes and tsunamis form?

In addition to the above, your story should:

  • Evaluate how human practices are affected by any of the above. (economics, ethics, safety?)
  • Explain the frequency and spatial distribution of the phenomena above. (Why does it happen in certain places and how often?)


Does Not Meet


Not Fully Meeting






Evaluate how particular geographic actions or events affect human practices or outcomes (geographical value judgments) Does not evaluate or link tectonic processes to human practices Limited, insignificant or unclear evaluation of how tectonic processes affect human practices Clear evaluation of how tectonic processes affect human practices (spheres, plates, rocks, volcanoes, earthquakes) References real locations, features or geographic events in evaluating how tectonic processes affect human practices
Draw conclusions about the variation and distribution of geographic phenomena over time and space (patterns and trends) Does not explain any patterns in time and space of volcanic or seismic activity Story incorporates a limited reference to patterns of time and space of volcanic and seismic activity Story incorporates patterns of time and space of volcanic and seismic activity References specific case studies to explain patters of time and space of volcanic and seismic activity in the story
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Bonus: Presentation

Lacks organization


Simple presentation


Images and layout show little attention to aesthetics

Quality of visuals


Engaging storytelling


Dynamic presentation


Attention to aesthetics


Keeps audience interested


Creativity of approach


Personalization of visuals


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