Incredible Earth

Incredible Earth

  • For each feature below:
    • find an “incredible” example and show its location
    • explain how the landform is created (weathering, erosion and/or deposition)
  • Organize the presentation under each theme listed below
  • Find one place that experienced one of the listed natural/environmental disasters
    • show where it is
    • explain how the disaster occurred
    • explain the effects on people
    • explain how they’ve tried to adapt to it.


Theme Features
Mass Wasting Soil Creep, Slump, Talus/Scree
Wind Erosion Hamada, Deflation Hollow/Blowout, Ventifacts, Mesas/Buttes, Dunes, Loess
Alluvial Processes Vertical Erosion, Headward Erosion, one drainage pattern (dendritic, annular, trellis, rectangular, radial), Meandering River, Oxbow Lake, Natural Levee, Alluvial Fan
Ground Water Erosion Karst Topography, Sinkhole, Stalactites & Stalagmites, Artesian Well/Spring,
Glacial Erosion Plucking, Cirque & Arete & Horn, Tarn, Hanging Valley & Truncated Spurs, Roche Mountonee, one Moraine type (lateral, medial, terminal), Drumlin, Kettle Lakes, Eskers, Glacial Erratic
Coastal Erosion Spit, Bar, Cave, Arch, Stack, Tombolo
One Natural/ Environmental Disaster Landslide/ Avalanche/ Sandstorm/ Flooding/ Desertification/ Groundwater Contamination

Bonus challenge: Work out the cost of travelling to see each theme from Vancouver. You must find the cheapest way to see all these landforms!

  • For driving, use linear distances to figure out gas cost (assume 10L /100km)
    • Travel from airport to locations should be calculated too
  • For flying, work out the cost of the plane tickets (proof needed)
  • Assume no time restraints
  • Show totals for costs



  Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Mass Wasting

-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features


-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features


-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features

Ground Water

-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features


-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features


-Missing many features listed

-Most or all locations missing

-Relevant weathering patterns are not identified

-Relevant erosion or deposition processes not explained or incorrectly explained

-Missing some features listed

-Locations identified but not shown

-Mentions weathering patterns but are not relevant or missing some relevant patterns

-Explanation of erosion and deposition are not clear

-All features incorporated

-Location shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns

-Can explain how erosion and deposition result in the features

-All features incorporated

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Can identify relevant weathering patterns with visual evidence

-Can explain and show the processes involved in erosion and deposition that results in the features


-Location not identified

-Does not explain the causes of the disaster

-Does not explain how people were affected

-Does not explain how people have adapted to such disasters

-Location identified but not shown

-Causes of the disaster not fully explained

-Limited explanation of effects on people

-Limited explanation of how people adapted to such disasters

-Location shown

-Causes of disaster explained

-Effects on people explained

-Explains how people have adapted to such disasters

-Specific and relative locations shown

-Causes of disaster explained and visual examples given

-Effects on people explained and visually shown

-Organized explanation of effects (political, social, economic)

-Visually shows how people have adapted

-Organized explanation of how people adapted (political, social, economic)

Citations No citations

Web address provided and hyperlinked




Inconsistent citations

MLA citations for images

MLA citations for images

Hyperlink and web address provided



-no attempt



-Basic slide show with still images

-One main speaker


-price relative to the other projects

-travel costs well proven

-route clearly shown



-organization of information

-audience attention

-well chosen images




/40 marks

/5 bonus

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