Multiculturalism in Canada

In Canada, there are so many different ways immigrants can enjoy their culture away from their homeland. One of the many simple things that can be done is cooking. The food from all around the world is so different and it’s so easy to whip up a batch of something to eat and you’ll feel like you’re at home again.

In Canada, we do not have discriminatory policies towards people of other races, ethnicities, gender or beliefs but unfortunately, we do have people who are discriminatory towards people of these groups. For example, just about a month ago on August 20th, 2017 an “anti-Islam” rally that was organized by a group of white supremacists. To counteract this, a group of over 4000 stood outside City Hall but in the same statement, the City has declared Vancouver has a zero tolerance for hatred, racism and discrimination. This event shows that these thousands of people know that rasicm isn’t tolerated in Canada and that we will always stick together

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