Cascadia Subduction Zone Questions

1. This documentary used several pieces of evidence to support their claim that we are in a dangerous location. What were those pieces of evidence? List them.

-They can trace earthquakes in banks of rivers and streams and they found evidence of a big one about 300 years ago.

-A huge forest was killed (about 300 years ago)

-Natives have stories of a huge earthquake and tsunami before the Europeans came (about 300 years ago)

-In japan they recorded a Tsunami that they didn’t know where it came from 300 years ago.

-The Japanese said they’ve never seen anything like it, and the tsunami killed whole forests.

-Subduction zone earthquakes are worse because when it slips it send huge earthquake waves.

-The fault line goes from Oregon to British Coloumbia, making it effect a big range of places, and for a long time (about 5 minutes)

-Citites like Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver have huge populations, and a potential threat is Skyscrapers falling.

2. Using the list of evidence above, explain why one of those pieces of evidence alone is not enough, but why together they make the documentary’s argument credible.

-The native story that there was a huge earthquake and tsunami, they can’t prove to us that it happend.

-But finding proof of an Earthquake in the soil of the riverbank and a forest destroyed by a tsunami (both 300 years ago).

3. This documentary comments on the destruction a seismic event could have on Vancouver. Describe what you learned from this documentary on how Vancouver could be impacted.


-since we are sheltered by Vancouver Island I don’t think the Tsunami will reach us.

-long duration of Earthquake effecting buildings and people’s lives.

Mt St Helens Interveiw

Mt St Helens Interveiw

I interviewed my Mom, and she happend to be in Washington state at a friends cabin when the volcano blew. The volcano woke her up when it erupted in the morning, and it sounded like a big explosion. Later that day ash filled the air, and it was all over the news.


Indonesia Tsunami

What caused it?

Well firstly it’s right on a fault line. Then a 7.5 magnitude earthquake occurred In Indonesia. Shortly after a Tsunami  took place, and generally speaking tsunamis follow earthquake. Scientists Beleive an underwater Landslide triggered it.

How it affected the sociospheare?

The Taunami hit Palu, Indonesia. Like most disasters it left a huge impact on the people. This left about 1350 people dead, and a lot injured. A lot of people are left without food and water so they end up having to take from stores. The police let them take stuff for basic needs, but some people started taking computers and TVs so they got busted. The people are all trying to get out because they have limited food and water. “We had no clean water or food and all we have is the clothes we are wearing,” there are community kitchens that provide food though. So this tragedy broke and killed so many lives. It mostly will affect the city in the long run leaving it in rebuild mode, and without food and water. It will be hard to recover because it is poor



Molarity Lab

I used Copper (II) Chloride and added Dihydrate(water) to the substance, to make the solution

These were my calculations to convert Molarity and Volume of CuCl2 and 2H2O into the mass of CuCl2

This is what 1.71g of CuCl2 looks like

This is CuCl2 added to water (dihydrate)

We added more water

And mixed it, and this is what the solution looks like.