Hailey's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category: Grade 9 (Page 2 of 3)

Currents from the Kitchen



Potato: -0.5 /+0.5

Lemon: -2/+2

Grape: -0.5/+0.5







-When we switched the metals the charges went from positive to negative.

-The positions of the metals in the fruits made a difference in the charge.

-The fruits with more acid made a bigger electrical charge


How can we modify our experiment to improve our results?

-Adjust the angle and position of the metals in side of the fruits

How can i use this in my everyday life?

-To create electricity if all else wont work or if it the last resort.

What kind of circuit will produce electron flow in your fruit/ vegetable cell?

-A full/ closed circuit will conduct electricity where an open circuit will not.


Puerto Rico Celebrations


Currents from the Kitchen Prediction


Screenshot (52)

The lemon will produce the most electricity because of its strong acids inside of the peel.

Electricity Mind Map

Screenshot (51)


This is me, Quinn, Athena, and Jennas elemental elements projects


First Aid

by, Hailey, berk, kaylee

Matter Matters

This is Hailey’s and Athena’s video on matter.

Define: A. Some kids learn better in hands on activities. Some kids have a hard time engaging in a class when the subject or learning activity is not interesting. B.) They all  include the 3 states of matter. C.) Making the lesson interactive for students to learn with.

Dream: Create an interactive video, A song or rap, Song and dance number, experiments, script, Skit, Animated pictures.

Design: We ended up deciding to do a video. With a few experiments and describing what the different points are. Which is included in the video above.

Debrief: I think that me and Athena’s project turned out very well. We put in lots of effort and time we had lots of fun creating the video. We also made sure that everything was correctly explained and put everything into our own words. One thing that I feel could have been better were more experiments we did a few but they weren’t that interesting. Overall we had a lot of fun creating the project and did a very good job on it.

PE Floor Exercise Performance

This is our gymnastics floor exercise routine.

-Hailey Smith, Veronica Moino, Alyson Vance, and Sama Salehi.


“Taming of the Shrew” Stop Motion Inductions Scene Project

Ava and Hailey have made a stop motion video based on the induction scene from the famous Shakespeare play “Taming of the shrew”. The induction refers to the main story in the case of “Taming of the shrew” this part with sly, the very drunk man passed out on the floor of the bar and the lord who decides with his huntsman to trick Sly into believing that he’s been asleep for several years and that he is in fact the lord instead. Later in this Shakespeare play comes the inset which is with a completely new set of characters and story line, the induction and inset are tied together because the induction characters start to watch a play thus the inset and the other characters.

To represent the induction of this play they used stop motion technology, this was an effective way of making the old English in the story much easier to understand and to make the ideas easier to memorize. Although stop motion videos are a god way to simplify learning, the can also be quite difficult to compose. The hardest part about creating a stop motion video is the placement of the characters and the camera, to make an effective video you need to have one spot or angle from which you shoot and it’s important that the characters move very subtly so that the movement is consistent in the end product. Through the this project, Ava and Hailey learned about navigating new apps and also what goes into stop motion.

Everything I Know About Exponents


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