3 reasons why Jack Merridew would make a horrible boyfriend!

You have probably read the book “Lord Of The Flies” sometime in your life and if you have not, where have you been?!? If you have then you know who Jack Merridew is. Jack is the antagonist who is one of the leaders of the band of boys who get stranded on the island. Knowing how he acts, here are 3 reasons why Jack would make a horrible boyfriend!

  1. He is controlling!


At the beginning of the story, when Jack and his choir arrive at the meeting place, Jack does not allow them to sit down until they beg for approval. He is in control of more than 90% of the boys; therefore, I wonder how he would act around me?




2. He is power-hungry!

my way or no way

This one is pretty obvious, he is obsessed with the idea of having power and wants more. He leads the brutal slaughter of a pig and then Simon. Jack would be nothing without his power over the littleuns and his choir. He orders the boy around like a king; a king with power over his people.

     3. He is just straight up rude!


He says things like, ‘You’re talking too much… Shut up Fatty.’ You should never call someone something that might hurt them, it’s not nice. He judges Piggy by the way he looks but he does not listen to what he has got to say most of the time. He agreed with having rules (one of them being only the person holding the couch can speak) yet it did not apply to him apparently. When Piggy had the right to speak, he kept on interrupting him. Not nice Jack… Not nice at all. >:/

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