How Earth is like me

These are some reasons why the Earth is like me:

The Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has not been named after a Greek or Roman deity. My name has also not been named after a Greek or Roman deity. My name is an Italian female given name of Latin origin. As everyone knows, there is Oxygen on Earth which is funny because I have Oxygen in my body. To add on to that, about 70% of the Earth’s surface is water-covered and my grandma is 70 years old. Earth is the only place known to have water in three phases: liquid, solid, and gas. My body has those three phases as well. Earths main colours are white, blue and green. Blue is my favourite colour, green is my dad’s favourite colour and I have a white cat! The average surface temperature on Earth is 17 degrees  and my cousin is born on March the 17th. And last point, the Earth is the third planet from the Sun and comes between the planet Venus and Mars. In the 5th grade, I came in 3d at a piano competition.

You just read some interesting facts about the Earth and me that you might of not known about. I am Earth. Earth is me.

Video about Earth:

Website used to get information:


Meiosis Lab

Meiosis lab


Occurs first and is when the each homologous pair of chromosomes is replicated.


The homologous chromosomes separate into two cells. Unlike mitosis where the process ends after one division, meiosis continues with a second division.


This second division happens without the chromosomes replicating. This results in the sister chromatids separating during meiosis II. Every cell has one haploid (n:23) set of chromosomes in them.

1. Is meiosis I or meiosis II more similar to mitosis? Explain.

Meiosis II is most similar to mitosis; sister chromosomes are split during anaphase II. The sister chromatids line up on the metaphase plate and then separate.

2. List three similarities between mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis and meiosis are two ways which cells reproduce.

The cell must duplicate it’s DNA to for a new cell.

They both involve PMAT phases.

3. List three differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis creates 2 daughter cells.

Meiosis produces four daughter cells from one parent with two divisions. Mitosis takes place all over the body and produces cells.

Meiosis creates sex cells.

(picture 3 keeps on disappearing for some reason. So if it’s not there, it’s not my fault)


I am Down Syndrome.

I am Down syndrome. I make you look different, feel different and act different. I’m a horrible mutation that follows you from birth to death and can’t fully be cured.

My life starts when my host’s life starts. Usually, the nucleus in a cell contains 46 chromosomes. 23 from your mother and 23 from your father. Down syndrome, which is me,  is when a person has an extra copy of chromosome 21

for a total of 47 chromosomes. So that means I change up the way cells replicate themselves. Which changes the way the body functions because it unorganized the body. The human body is used to 23/23 chromosomes  and can be divided equally because it’s an even number of chromosomes.

I don’t know why I choose to mutate cells but it’s most likely because the mother of the host was around 50 years of age. I prefer to mutate the cells of baby’s that have older mothers.

As my host was developing in the whom, she slowly started to develop the symptoms that come with me. When my host was born, her symptoms got stronger  and were eyes that have an upward slant and white spots on the iris, small stature and short neck, flat nasal bridge and a protruding tongue.

I heard my host talking about her thoughts on having  down syndrome. She said that “I think people will not like me. Look at me differently. Not treat me the same way as others.” I never knew I could be such a mean gene. As my host grew up, she learned to deal with me in her. She learned that there are a lot more people with her condition and it’s how she’s not the only one.

My host did not choose to have kids because she knows that her kids will have down syndrome as well. But it’s not true. Something I know about myself is that it’s not inherited. So even if no one in the family in the past had Down syndrome, she could still get it.

My host will live with me for her whole life, unless she get’s treatment but the treatment hardly ever works. I don’t want to die! Luckily I am not the cause of her death. She will die from another cause weather it’s naturally or an accident. So you just heard my life story. I live with people. Know how body’s of people work. This is the end of my life. I die when she dies.

Story by: Silvia Ivancin



Websites used:

Video about down syndrome: