Matthew's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

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Solar project thing-e

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Pg 270 ques 10,12,13

image rating: 4.5
I actually showing my work and not just doing it in my head. plus I got 11/14 when I went to the answer key so,yeh

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Pg 260-262 ques 3,5,7-11,15-17




Still couldn’t find the asnwer key, but my mom check it and most of it was correct and I did a good job

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Essay: Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was an explorer for Spain and was searching for a faster route to Asia for trading. Instead of finding this route, he found new land that will become North and South America. Columbus should be remembered as a horrible person.

Columbus wasn’t all bad, he did do things that should be honour

First, He was able to figure out a plan in the best way possible just by looking at stares (Doc #1). Secondly, He did returned to Spain with Gold and spices (Doc #5). Lastly, He had a faced off fierce oppositions and danger (Doc #2.)In the end, he did do some good things but that doesn’t mean that was all good

Columbus did things that we all should remember him as a bad person.

Firstly, He lied to the King and Queen by saying he found great mines and many spices(Doc #5). Secondly, He was a slave trader (Doc #3). Thirdly, while he was in Cuba, he stab his slaves (Tanions) when they didn’t trade their bows and arrows and left them to bleed to death (Doc #5). Then, He diminished the population of the Taino from 8 million to 28 thousand (Doc #3). After that, He was praised for saying “the Earth is round”, even though this knowledge was known. Lastly, He stole someones prize by saying he said “Land”first, even though Bermejo saw land first. These six facts proves my Thesis that Columbus Should be remember as a cruel man

Columbus was a horrible person because he was greedy and cruel. Now we have seen the true colours of Christopher Columbus. Maybe their was more evidence in Columbus journals, probably talking about money, how the slaves are useless and how dumb the King and Queen are.

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Pg260-262 ques 3,5,7-11,15-17

imageimage rating:3.5
this is not marked because there is no asnwer key on the share point or the polynomial folder. lots of effort, asked alot of questions, understand what is on the task at hand

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Big bang theory


Big bang is a prevailing cosmological model for the early development of the universe. The idea of the big bang theory is that the universe is expanding. this model that you see now suggests that at some time all of space will be contained in a single point, which then is considered the beginning of the universe. The measurements in this time is a place this moment at approximately 13.8 billion years ago, which then is considered the age of the universe. this is where I got my information from.

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PG,187 questions 8,10-11,15a,16 and 19

imageimageimage Rating:4
I did very well, I asked a lot of questions, Sure I made a few mistakes but I will learn from it

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using algebra tiles

there’s three types of tiles. One: A big square that says x to the power of 2. Second: a rectangle that has a “x” on it and third, its a square that has a 1 on it (multiple squares say like 5 and your number will be 5).

To add algebra tiles, you need to just add them, Put the algebra tiles in a expression that your doing and just add them. To subtract you need to flip the numbers in the bracet that is in front of the minus sign then you add.

To Multiply you it has to look like this capturedvideo then you see what shapes can fit in there. Finally division you can make the same table but this time the one on top is blank, then you divide the numbers, and subtract the variable and you got your variable.

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modeling assignment (part 1)image this is a picture of a trinomialimage question 3

imagequestion 4

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