Socials 9 Timeline

1924 My Grandmother was born in Molotshna, Ukraine.

Image result for molotschna

1925 Her family moved to Mexico from Ukraine.

Image result for 1900s mexico

1928 Her family moved to Manitoba, Canada from Mexico. Where she went to nursing school.


1940s her family moved to the Chiliwack area. Where she worked in a hospital.

1953 she met my Grandfather and in 1955 they got married.

1965 My father was born.

1967 They settled in Port Coquitlam


  1. Where did your family move from? Molotshna, Ukraine
  2. When and why your family moved? 1925, because my Grandmothers father was getting worried about what was happening in Russia at the time.
  3. How did they travel here? By boat and train
  4. Why did they settle in Port Coquitlam? Because they were able to buy land and build on it here.
  5. What did they bring with them and what did they leave behind? They brought little with them and left behind a farm in Ukraine
  6. What are some cultural traditions that are practiced by people in your country? Christmas, Easter etc.
  7. Has your family maintained any of these traditions. yes
  8. Did your family face any hardships in moving to Canada? Weather was rough and they were poor.

Socials 9 Liberia and Industrial Revolution Child Labour Compare and Contrast


Liberia was created by freed slaves by the US in 1822. By 1847 the American-Liberians established a republic.


Liberia is located on the west coast of Africa, between  Cote d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone.

Economy of Liberia

The Liberia economy is very undeveloped making Liberia one of the poorest countries in the world. This is largely due to the First Liberian Civil War that happened from 1989 – 1996. This war destroyed much of Liberia’s economy. 80% of the population is below the poverty line, but only 3.7% of the population is unemployed.

Human and Child Rights in Liberia

Basic human rights include freedom of speech, and discrimination based on sex, religion, or disability is illegal but discrimination based on race is legal. Child rights include free education but the families have to provide uniforms, books, supplies, and the desk. Child abuse including sexual abuse is not illegal and is common.

Industries in Liberia and Child Labour

The industries in Liberia are iron ore mining, rubber, palm oil, timber, and diamonds.

The industries in Liberia that use child labour are the rubber and diamond industry. As well as children in prostitution.

Firestone Rubber uses child labour or there Rubber plantation. These children are forced to work to help there parents or guardians get the daily quota which alone would take a worker 21 hours to complete. Children are not paid and often come into close contact with toxic pesticides, have to carry heavy loads, and often work 12 hours a day.Image result for firestone rubber children

Industries and Child Labour in Industrial Revolution Age Britain

The industries in Britain during the Industrial Revolution were the coal mining industries, the textile industries,  agriculture and farming industries.

Child labour was used in every industry as well as children being made servants of the upper class. The working conditions were bad in every industry because the government didn’t set any rules that made the employers have safety precautions in factories or in working enviroments. When ever someone was injured employers would just replace the worker with someone new. The conditions in the coal mine were really bad for children because they were the only ones short enough to work in the tunnels. Because they were forced to work in the small tunnels children often had deformed backs from having to bend over so they would fit into the tunnels and not get stuck. Children were also used in getting stuck objects out of machines because they had small hands and fingers, as a result of having to get stuck objects out of machines children would often loose fingers or hands because as soon as the object was out the machine kept going. Children had to work because they were either orphans, had to help support there family, they were in debt, or were forced to work.

Similarities and Differences. 

Both Liberia and Britain during the Industrial Revolution used child labour in industries that use human labour.  Children during the Industrial Revolution had to work because they needed money to support there family, support themselves, or help family or themselves get out of debt. This is different then Children working in Liberia who work to help there guardians get the daily quota of rubber which means that the children are being paid nothing or have to split the low pay with there guardians and other siblings, this is different and worse then the Industrial Revolution because even though children were paid very little, each worker was still paid for there own work. A similarity between Liberia and Britain during the Industrial Revolution is that a large percentage of both populations are in poverty.

Attempts to reform Child Labour

In 2015 the Liberia Government made moderate advancements in efforts to eliminate child labour.  The government directed resources to help with the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak. Thousands of children were left orphaned or separated. But the Liberian National Police’s Women and Children Protection Section lacks resources so they can’t conduct investigations or enforce labour laws. Unfortunately no human rights are being violated when children work in these jobs despite the working conditions being awful and unhealthy for children to work in. Charities like WE Charity, formally known as Free The Children work to save children from child labour globally. But right now boycotting isn’t working because it only makes the companies have cutbacks which puts families out of work. I believe that if Firestone made the daily quota needed lower that then children wouldn’t have to work on the rubber plantation anymore so that would get rid of one industry using child labour in Liberia.


Stempel, J. (2011, July 13). Firestone wins Liberian child labor case in US. Retrieved April 5, 2017, from

P, A. F. (2016, November 22). Burnt rubber: Firestone cuts back in Liberia. Retrieved April 05, 2017, from

Human rights in Liberia. (2017, March 20). Retrieved April 05, 2017, from

Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor – Liberia. (2016, October 27). Retrieved April 05, 2017, from

WE Charity. (2017, April 04). Retrieved April 05, 2017, from

Cranny, M. (1998). Crossroads: Meeting of Nations (2nd ed.). Toronto: Pearson Education.

My Environmental Interactions

This assignment asks us to talk about our daily lives and the things we do that are good and bad for the environment.

One example that is bad for the environment that I did today was drive to school, which is bad for the environment because of the CO2 emissions which causes pollution. I also used lights and things that use power which is bad as well.

Image result for car pollution


An example of something I do that is good for the environment is that when I brush my teeth I minimize the amount of water I use by turning off the tap when I’m not using it so the water doesn’t run and waste water.

Image result for Tooth brush


I try to take shorter showers to save water but I tend not to so its probably not that good for the environment, because it uses more water which then has to be cleaned and go through everything again.

Image result for shower


When ever I use the dishwasher I wait until its full to do the load to save the most water, which is good for the environment.

I also recycle whenever I have extra paper or something that can be recycled. For example, when I got a pepsi today instead of throwing it in the garbage can, I put it where cans are supposed to go.


CBL – EB Artifacts of Learning

  1. Media


This picture sums up our experience and makes a good title pic

This is a video from the leader of our group, Alhan, and it goes into detail and sums up what we did.

We made a prototype of a coil and magnets that was able to generate about .2 Volts.

2. A summary of how we addressed light poverty in the Dominican Republic

A.  Our experience started out in class when we decided to stick with the same group from our SSEP project. Alhan had a really good idea of making shake-able lights with magnets and kinetic energy. Once we had that idea we started to roll with it. We got the designs for the circuit about a week or 2 after we got the original idea, with a lot of help from Alhan’s father we were able to create a prototype that could generate about .2 volts. The magnets and coils is very trial and error so we haven’t yet been able to make a fully working circuit.

B. We connected with Alhan’s father and Mr. Brown for the magnets.

C. We made the blue prints and prototype for a magnet and coil circuit that we could use to generate electricity.

3. A summary of what you’ve learned so far.

A. The skills I’ve gained are having to be creative, learning to connect with others, and some leadership skills.

B. I feel that we have not yet met our goals but with time and work we could be done soon, and if not hopefully someone else could take over.

4. A debrief of the experience

A. The collaboration went well, I’ve never done something like this before so it was a new experience and felt like a good way to learn.

B. I think that getting my work load done on time is something I did well, and offering to help others in our group. I think I could improve on the way I handled some obstacles.

C. The whole CBL experience was really good, and taught me a lot more than a normal science class would. I learned a lot more about the outside world and it was a lot of work and felt like it was a lot more advanced then a normal science class.


How Do Cells Multiply?

Sexual reproduction is when 2 organisms reproduce by internal fertilization or external fertilization with mating. Internal fertilization is when the sperm attaches to the egg inside the female, and external is when the male fertilizes the eggs that are laid or outside the females body. Pollination can be sexual and asexual, and is when pollen is transferred to fertilize another plant.

Image result for mushroom spores reproduction


Asexual reproduction is when only one organism is needed to reproduce, some examples are spores and bacteria.

The pros and cons of Asexual reproduction compared to Sexual reproduction are that in sexual reproduction it requires energy to find a mate but in Asexual it doesn’t. A pro of sexual reproduction is that you are less susceptible to diseases since you aren’t an exact copy or the parents, which is a con in Asexual because they can get wiped out by a disease, but in Asexual you can reproduce really quickly so the population grows quickly.

Mitosis and Meiosis are when cells multiply by PMAT, but Meiosis happens to the cell twice resulting in 4 cells. PMAT is Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase. In the Prophase the nucleolus disappears and the chromosomes form into chromatids. In the metaphase the spindle fibers pull the chromatids to the middle of the cell. In the Anaphase the chromatids move to the opposite sides of the cell. In the Telophase the nuclear membrane forms around each new cell. After Cytokineses happens to separate the 2 cells. Mitosis is cell division and meiosis is another version of cell division that is used for sexual reproduction, used to get genes from the parents.

Organisms grow by cell division increasing the number of cells with the cell cycle and mitosis. When there is enough nutrients, replicated DNA, and undamaged DNA the cell goes through cell division with interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.

Image result for PMAT


First Nations Principals of Learning


Image result for First nations learning principlesLearning involves patience and time. I think this is about how you can’t learn everything in one day, which is why we go to school for so many years, and it requires patience because it takes so long and is frustrating at times but is worth it in the end.

Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story. I think this is about how we all learn from the past and through stories.

Learning involves recognizing the consequences of ones actions. I think this is about how a lot of learning is through mistakes. As well as having to deal with the consequences of a mistake instead of making a lot of excuses for it.

I think these relate to the work we do in school because school takes a long amount of time and you need to have patience with it. You also learn a lot about history in a lot of different classes. As well as having to learn from mistakes and deal with the consequences of errors.

Some of the principals connect to the SSEP project because it took a long time and my group needed to be patient. Our EB project connects because it is group work which at times can be frustrating so you need to be patient with your group.