Geography Biography

Geography Biography


Create a presentation that explains how significant the 5 Themes of Geography have been in affecting your life.  Provide an anecdote/story from your own experiences that highlights how the theme has affected your life and who you are.  If you want to show images, please try to use your own personal photos.

  • Location
    • How has your geographic location affected your way of life/who you are? (You can make a comparison to other locations)
    • How has relative/absolute location affected your life?
  • Place
    • How have physical and cultural landscapes affected your way of life/who you are?
  • Movement
    • How have the movement of goods, people, and ideas affected your life/who you are?
  • Regions
    • How have formal, functional and vernacular regions affected your life/who you are?
    • Describe what defines these formal, functional and vernacular regions you chose
  • Human Interaction with the Environment
    • Explain how dependent you are on the environment/how it has shaped your thinking
    • Explain how the environment has made you adapt to it/how it has shaped your thinking
    • Explain how your actions have modified the environment/how it has shaped your thinking
  • Interactions between 4 spheres
    • Explain how the interaction between the 4 spheres affects your life/who you are.
    • All 4 spheres must be accounted for (lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere)
  • Conclusion: So how important is Geography in your life?









Assess the significance of places by identifying the physical and/or human features that characterize them (sense of place) Cannot identify how either location, place, region or movement has affected your life Identifies how location, place, region and movement has affected your life Explains how much location, place, region and movement has impacted your life Uses specific details to explain significant and meaningful ways in which location, place, region and movement has impacted your life
Identify and assess how human and environmental factors and events influence each other (interactions and associations)

Cannot identify how humans either depend on, adapt to or modify the environment


Cannot identify some interactions between spheres or the connection to the anthroposphere

Identifies how humans depend on, adapt to and modify the environment


Identifies interactions between spheres and the connection to the anthroposphere

Explains how much humans depend on, adapt to and modify the environment


Explains how much interactions between spheres affects the anthroposphere

Uses specific details to explain significant and meaningful ways in which humans depend on, adapt to and modify the environment


Uses specific details to explain significant and meaningful interactions between spheres that affect the anthroposphere

Evaluate features or aspects of geographic phenomena or locations to explain what makes them worthy of attention or recognition (geographical importance) Stories’ connection to geography is unclear or does not connect to how geography has affected the person you are today Generic or vague stories that show how geography has affected the person you are today Easy to follow stories that show how geography has affected the person you are today Introspective and easy to follow stories that show how geography has affected the person you are today
0 1 2 3
Bonus: Presentation

Lacks organization

Simple presentation

Images and layout show little attention to aesthetics

Creativity of approach

Choice, framing and clarity of images

Layout of visuals

Organization of information (clear “thesis”)

Dynamic presentation

Attention to aesthetics

Keeps audience interested

Personalization of visuals


/30 marks

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