BC’s History: Road Trip

British Columbia – Then & Now

Create a road trip that takes the audience through BC’s political, social and economic past and present.

  1. Locate the site to visit on a map
  2. Explain the site’s connection to the history (why are we visiting this location?)
  3. Explain the history behind the event (see rubric below)
  4. Provide images that juxtapose the past and present. (add a caption to the images – date and what are we looking at)
  5. Cite your sources for each site
Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds


Oregon Territory

Colony of Van Isl

Colony of BC



Does not show an understanding of the changing organization of the Pacific Coast


Missing many major details in the changing organization of the Pacific Coast

Shows a general understanding of the changing organization of the Pacific Coast


Lacks some major details in the changing organization of the Pacific Coast

Can explain the process in changing the organization of the Pacific Coast

Gives specific details in explaining the process in changing the organization of the Pacific Coast

Can connect the political changes to the economic and social changes







Does not explain why different groups immigrated to BC


Does not explain experiences immigrant groups faced


Does not attempt to explain all groups listed

Gives a general account of the reasons why different groups immigrated to BC or a general account of the experiences they faced Can explain why different groups immigrated to BC (push and pull factors) and the experiences they faced

Makes consistent references to primary evidence in explaining why different groups immigrated to BC and the experiences they faced

Can connect the changes in immigration with the changes in the economy


Cariboo Gold Rush





Does not explain the growth of the industry, or the changes over time, or issues within the industry


Gives a general account of the growth of the industry


Limited explanation of changes over time


Limited explanation of issues regarding the industry

Can explain the reasons for growth in the industry and the changes over time

Can explain issues and concerns regarding the industry’s growth

Uses specific details to explain the growth of the industry and changes over time.

Can explain issues and concerns regarding the industry’s growth

Can connect the growth of the industry to the political or social development of BC


No visuals given


Unorganized information

No map provided

Fulfills a limited number of listed requirements

Visuals are limited to either past or present.

Information is presented but lacks a logical flow

Locations identified

Fulfills most listed requirements

Visuals highlight the site’s past and what it looks like today

Easy to follow information

Static map

Fulfills all listed requirements

Visuals juxtapose a specific location

Easy to follow information

Interactive map

Fulfills all listed requirements


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