biology 11 – kingdoms


known as “true” bacteria. incredibly common in human daily life. have a range of characteristics and are found in a variety of conditions all over the planet.

salmonella enterica

Salmonella enterica is a rod-shaped, flagellate, facultative aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium and a species of the genus Salmonella. A number of its serovars are serious human pathogens.

Yersinia pestis

Yersinia pestis is a Gram-negative, nonmotile, rod-shaped coccobacillus, with no spores. It is a facultative anaerobic organism that can infect humans via the oriental rat flea. It causes the disease plague, which takes three main forms: pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic plagues.



Very closly related to Eubacteria. Archaebacteria live in extreme places like volcanoes, The Dead Sea, and sometimes even in places with no oxygen.


Methanogens can be found in places where there is no oxygen. They types of environments vary greatly. Anywhere from swamps and marshlands to the intestinal tracts of us humans! Methanogens give off methane gas which helps us by removing excess hydrogen and fermentation products produced by other forms of anaerobic respiration.

Nitrosopumilus maritimus                                                      

Categorized as archaebacteria because of its unprecedented enrichment of multicopper oxidases, thioredoxin-like proteins, and transcriptional regulators points to an organism responsive to environmental cues and adapted to handling reactive copper and nitrogen species that likely derive from its distinctive biochemistry.



uni/multi cellular category, is well known for being called the junk drawer kingdom

Naegleria fowleri

a single celled organism that lives in freshwater such as lakes, ponds, streams etc


Phytophthora infestans                                 

also known as oomycete or water mold, a microorganism that causes the serious potato and tomato disease known as late blight or potato blight.




Zygomycota is a perfect example of fungi. It is one of the most fastest growing fungi and it is not commonly seen due to its microscopic size.



Microsporidia are a group of spore-forming unicellular parasites. They were once considered protozoans or protists, but are now known to be fungi, or a sister group to fungi



Rose-mallows are a flowering plant and they are a part of the plante kingdom. They reproduce asexually, and create pollen.


Dionaea muscipula

Venus flytraps conduct photosynthesis like regular plants, but they supplement their diet with insects.


the most complex of all kingdoms. Huge variety of diffrent species living in all kinds of diffrent conditions and environments.

Pygoscelis papua                                                                                                                        

Like any animal, gentoo penguins need to eat (from external food sources), sleep, breath and reproduce.


Lasius niger                    

The black garden ant is an animal because its ability to eat other food sources, breath and reproduce.

Genetic mutation project

DiGeorge Syndrome

DiGeorge Syndrome- Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

ADHD:  Symptoms, Causes and Natural Support Strategies

10 common myths about schizophrenia that are just not true

Gluten and the Autoimmune Disease Spectrum

What is thymus



Float your boat experiment


For our experiment, we had to make a boat out of a piece of aluminum foil, a strip of masking tape, 2 toothpicks and 2 mini marshmallows. Our goal was to hold the most amount of pennies in our boat without it sinking.

if we can create a large surface area for the pennies to sit on, then we can hold more pennies because they’ll be able to sit evenly on the surface and the weight will be distributed.

In conclusion, we found that our boats design was good, but we had some errors in the process of building our boat.  My hypothesis was supported but not by my personal findings. Another group with a similar design concept had held the most pennies in their boat as they’re design was a lot more supportive than ours. The error that we made was ensuring that there were no spaces or openings where the water could have entered the boat from anywhere other than the top. For the future, we probably could be spent more time trying to figure out the best way to configure the boat and make sure that it would stay afloat for as long as possible.

My political ideology

share some details about what you learned about your ideology

i learned a lot from my ideology. before this discussion I hadn’t known really anything about politics and this really helped me understand all the diffrent ways the country can be run.
Discuss some of the ideas your group came up with

Personally after this discussion i didnt agree with the ways of the communism group just because of their view on same sex marriage and that is something i believe strongly on.
What did you find interesting about the activity

i found it was really interesting to see the similarities and diffrences between all the ideologies. I thought that it was cool to be in that discussion and see what groups agreed with each other and which disagreed.
What did you find challenging about it

I found challenging is that my group didnt really take the time to gather collaborative answers and being able to bring valid and supportive arguments and bring them into the group.

Letter From Home

December 20th, 1917

Dear Private Franklin Ryan,

Only a few days until Christmas but it doesn’t seem like it with you around. The children are hoping you will return before Santa arrives but I dont have the heart to tell them you wont be back for another until next Christmas.

Canada has changed a lot due to your efforts overseas. For the better and for the worse. Women can finally get in the game and help the soldiers so that’s what i have dedicated my time to doing. I quit my job as a teacher and now i help in manufacturing goods to be shipped to you and your brothers. I fill the shells you shoot and pack the trucks that will make their way over to you.

The pay is so incredibly unfair and the economy is falling apart. I am making less than i did as a teacher and i am working longer hours. I know that my job now is benefiting our country more but i still need to think about the children. I wish I could be there with you on the battlefield. I was so tempted to drop everything and go serve as a nurse alongside you and help out but i need to think of the children. I might just let them go stay with your mother for a while but they are young and i dont think they can handing being away from both their parents.

The boys are so excited for the holiday but I am having issues financially. The price of resources has soared through the roof and i cant make payments anymore. I do not mean this to worry you in any way but i just want you to think of the children. Please come home. We need you and i think we are more important than this stupid country.

I apologize, i wont let you chose what’s more important to you. Just please stay safe and write to me as soon as you get the chance.

Love you dearly,

Emilia Ryan