1. Do the practice tests in at the end of the chapter in the workbook !! They’ll help you out a lot in preparing for the unit tests and to revise for the final a lot more then homework in the workbook.

2.  Blog post seem very pointless but if you pick a key topic to the chapter and are able to explain it in detail it will help you understand the unit a lot better. They also help when you’re studying for the final and need the important points to each chapter

3. You don’t need to do all of the homework every night! Although I do recommend doing about half or 3/4 of the homework because I found that it really does help.

4. Find out your study habits and what works for you early in the semester. There’s a lot of tests and quizzes in Math 10 and if you have good study habits it’ll help you out a lot. I recommend studying with a friend that’s also in your class, not cramming the night before for any of the tests, or going to the math tutorials after school if you need help with something specific

5. Study chapters 7 & 8 a lot more then the other units. Even if you feel like you understand I still recommend studying these chapters more than usual. I struggled with them and they are a very important part of grade 11 math so make sure you get a good understanding of these units.