Welcome to English Studies 12 – Wednesday, September 4 to Friday, September 6

Welcome to English Studies 12

Agenda for the Week:


  • Attendance: Would you rather….
  • Work on and finish the Analysis of Tools assignment (in the RED tab) – be prepared to discuss today
  • Next: we will look at the rhetorical appeals materials in the RED tab, and perhaps the first videos on the issue


  • Attendance – reminder to sit in the same seat… which Captain Holt are you feeling today??
  • Please make sure that you send the email/questions if you did not do this yesterday!
  • Review the Course Outline: English Studies 12 Semester One Fall 2024
    • please fill out the signature page for tomorrow
  • Introduction to the Argumentative/Persuasive essay topic
    • All materials for this essay are on the RED tab of English 12



    • Introductions and Attendance – find a seat… seating will change as the semester progresses, BUT for the time being you MUST TAKE THE SAME SEAT so I can learn your name through the seating plan I’m creating today – so choose wisely
      • when I call your name, please raise your hand and tell me which Stanley you’re feeling today
      • Wheel Game
    • Email Etiquette: Email Etiquette for students – English 12
      • you will address four prompts/questions from the list of questions
      • you will write in a personal but professional way following the rules of email etiquette 101
      • roughly a paragraph of writing – English Studies 12 Introductory Email Questions
      • the email is due at the end of the class: kshong@sd43.bc.ca