Final Street Art Designs

by Stephy Wong for the front of a school in her home city by Wendy Zhou for a wall amid other street art walls in her home city in China

Unit 2-Lesson 3 – Pop Ups and the V Fold

To give you inspiration and motivation I’d like you to see this beautiful work of 3D Art.  Click on the link and see the whole book.  It’s super impressive: Take

UNIT 2 – Lesson 2 – Shuvinai Ashoona: Inspirations and Reactions

Before we get to looking at Shuvinai’s work you need to know that some of her art contains images of nude bodies. People who look at art have all kinds

Unit 2- POP-UP Sculptures – Lesson 2

You should have completed the first Unit on “Model Sheets”, handed in your final model sheet assignment, and posted your work and reflection on your edublog.  This was all due

IF YOU NEED TECH Support – who are you gonna call?…

WAVE TEAM!   Here’s how: Wave Tech Support – Students

UNIT 2 -Lesson 1 -A Virtual viewing of a Vancouver Art Gallery Show – Shuvinai Ashoona

I want to take you to the Vancouver Art Gallery.  If we were in school we could go for a field trip.  Instead we will have to travel to the

Unit 2- POP-UP Sculptures – Lesson 1 -Introduction

It’s the last week in April!!  Oh my Gosh!  Where did the days go? You folks did a magnificent job of character designing.  Your model sheets are fantastic. For a

Unit 1 Finale – Core Competency reflection and post your work on your Edublog

Happy Friday!!   I hope your week was good, and your weekend will be fabulous! The final projects for this unit are looking outstanding!  You folks are super creative and artistic.