Hailey's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month: February 2019

We Are Inextricably Linked

We Are Inextricably Linked (read here)

We Are Inextricably Linked:
In reading this article, I feel connected to the earth in ways I would never have thought before. This piece demonstrates the natural beauty of our beings despite the things we produce. It is very easy to feel apart from our earth in the current day for we do not rely on the land in our community as humans use to. Within this writing, I appreciated the use of descriptive language as it reveals the importance of our relation towards our oceans. These words illustrate an image of beauty and treacherous realities. I believe the piece connects us to the ocean in order to create importance in our minds on protecting what we have. The article tells us that we are part of the ocean, for the tears that we cry are as salty as the homes that keep our fish safe. We all come from the sea for the way we grow inside our mothers is also built up of salty fluids. Knowing that we are built from, made of and rely on these oceans tells us that they are important. The oceans represent life in general, how there will be waves of horrific events that take over our days, and some where it is calm, bright and beautiful. Going through the motions, we can feel part of our nature again, part of our beautiful and admired seas, and part of reality that we may be blocking out.


Comic #1 – I Gatti Blu

The Bird Who Broke Through The Window

The Bird Who Broke Through The Window (read here)

The Bird Who Broke Through the Window:
         This article demonstrates the constrain we feel as individuals in society. Everyone is told growing up that we humans are here on this planet to make a difference, yet we feel so small and incapable to even test the waters. The author highlights the idea that it normal to feel so small in this big world, how making a difference doesn’t mean ending hunger by yourself, but simply sharing a smile. I appreciated the writing style, telling a story from experience then using figurative language. The details within the writing style created a very personal article to read. This article was personally inspiring to me as I have yet realized my place in this world, often feeling useless. It expresses insight that we are all capable of little and big changes. I was intrigued with the use of metaphors within this piece. The bird analogy he used, feeling trapped, seeing the outside through the window, trying to fly out but defeated by the glass. The title of this piece characterizes the way I felt in my life by the time I reached the end of the writing. I was that bird trapped on the wrong side of the glass, tamed by the pressures of media and society, however been freed and now knowingly capable of standing out and creating a change in the world.

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