Posts Tagged ‘socialsperspectives’
The Fourth Spark
In Socials we talked about how important storytelling is to Aboriginals. Stories are a verbal way of passing down information to younger generations. In most stories there is often a life skill or lesson to be learned. In my story I talk about resilience how important it is to never give up. Even if people are trying put you down proving them wrong can make you even more proud when you accomplish your goal. Resilience is a great skill to have because you can’t just give up whenever something gets hard otherwise you won’t get anywhere in life.
Individual Multiculturalism
How do people maintain their culture post immigration?
“Marking our 150 A Parade: In celebration of our Canadian Mosaic, we will be hosting a Parade of Nations on Canada day. Involving 2,000 individual participants from over 40 youth groups, the parade will showcase diverse cultures and ethnic groups.”
From <>
This is a Parade Of Nations. It displays all cultures and races of Canada. This demonstrates how proud Canada is to be multicultural. 150 years is a huge celebration and by including all cultures and ethnic groups it shows how important it is to Canada’s identity. It encourages people to keep practicing and showing their culture. Also, it tells the rest of the world how accepting we are and that we encourage immigrants to practice their own religion and be themselves.
In what ways might they be discouraged from doing so?
“According to a new survey conducted in B.C., 82 per cent of visible minorities say they have experienced prejudice or some form of discrimination, while 56 per cent of all respondents reported having overheard racist comments.”
If 82% of B.C. has received a racism comment or action it would defiantly make them a little more self-cautious about their ethnicity or culture. They may not want to be so open or proud of their background in Canada. It also makes Canada seem as a less accepting place which would not make people want to immigrate or visit if they thought Canadians hated on a religion or race.
I think Canada as a whole is a very multicultural country. There have been events in the past that would disagree with this but I think Canada has evolved. There will always be a percentage of people that are not as accepting but there is a much bigger percentage of people that embrace individuality
Canadian Identities
I picked this photo because it shows how naturally beautiful Canada’s nature is. This reflects my perspective of Canada being a very clean ad healthy place to live. It is a very common picture of Canada because it has huge mountains with snow surrounded by pine trees. I think when some people think of Canada they automatically think of the forest and nature as supposed to an industrial and modern environment.
In 1998 Canada’s pollution spiked higher than every before. If you asked someone living in that year how clean Canada is they probably would disagree because they had experienced how clean Canada was before. However, if you asked someone in a country that pollutes more than us like China, they would agree that Canada is very clean because their country is a lot more polluted than ours. says Canada has accepted 40,000 Syrian refugees between the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2017.
I chose these numbers because it demonstrates how many refugees Canada has taken in during a short period of time. It shows how willing and determined Canada is to helping other parts of the world. I think this act represents how accepting Canada is of other cultures. A big part of being Canadian that is identified is being accepting and including everyone around us.
If we were to ask First Nations they probably would not agree that Canada is completely accepting of everybody because of their past history in Canada. The Europeans tried to take away their culture and try to transition them into Europeans. They forced their children into residential school which is where the Europeans hoped to change the minds of the young Aboriginals.