Archive of ‘Grade 10’ category

Rube Goldberg Project 2018

For this project I worked with Kennedy and Odett to build a machine with a task of pouring cereal into a bowl. Our thought process was that when we fill up one of the cups the mass will outweigh the second cup which will then lift up the lever pouring cereal into the bowl.

Our machine used many different types of energy including gravitational, mechanical, potential, kinetic and sound.

The systems we used are ramps (C, E, F, H), wheel and axel (G), a pulley (K) and a lever (L).

The first step on the right side starts at point (A) with the marble going through the toilet paper roll which goes from potential energy to kinetic. The marble goes through a hole in the bridge (C) into the cart (D) and onto the decline ramp (F) into the 1st cup (I) on the pulley system (K). On the left side the marble goes along the straw slide (B) through the bridge (C) onto the ramp (E) along the spinner (G) down the curvy path (H) and into the same cup (I). For energy, gravitational is used at all the points. Mechanical is used at points K and L. Potential is at points A and B but the energy changes to kinetic once it goes through point C. The sound energy is coming from the sound of the marbles as it goes through the course.

Ringette Peer Teach

For my peer teach I teamed up with Kennedy to teach our class how to play ringette. We did our lesson during the PE block on May 22, 2018. Unfortunately we could not teach it on ice as that is how we play it so we got gym ringette equipment and played in gym C. We started with a little bit of history, rules and positions. We then moved into skills teaching our classmates how to pass, shoot and check. We played cat and mouse to practice checking and keep away. Majority of the time was spent playing mini scrimmages which was probably the funnest part of the lesson. Afterwards we did a few drills and ended with a quick game of British bulldog. Overall I think the class enjoyed our lesson and I think some people understood the game more because they had heard us talk about it before but never knew what the sport is about. I also think some hockey players in the class gained some respect for the game because before they thought ringette was a rip off of hockey but now they realize how hard and how much fun it is.

I was prepared for my lesson 5/5
I brought all necessary materials for my lesson 5/5
My lesson was organised with clear instruction/purpose/direction 5/5
I included a demonstration, explanation and practice time 5/5

Desmos Portrait 2018

I found this assignment extremely complicated and time consuming. It took me a while to figure it out but once I got the hang of it I was able to create lines quicker. I found it interesting how it took so long just to make a simple picture that is not at all what I wanted my picture to look like. When figuring out equations it was really trial and error. I just threw a bunch of different function together to see what it would give me. Then I would replace numbers and adjust from there. I did have to ask my friends for help and we would help each other make different features. For example, I would work on the mouth while my friend would figure the eyes and then we would share our equations. This assignment helped me understand how one small decimal or change can make the line look completely different.

Self-evaluation in Functions OneNote folder.

Surface Area of a Sphere OE2018

What did you do?

For this task we were to cut an orange into hemispheres and then peel the orange. Then we filled as many circles with orange peels as possible. One of our strategies was to peel small pieces so the peels could lay flat and take up more space in the circle. In the end we ended up with 4 full circles.

What did you learn?

I learned the formula to find the SA of a sphere and how to maximize space.

The surface area of a sphere is 4(pi)(r)2 because the formula for one circle would be pir2. We have to multiply because there are 4 full circles filled with orange peels.

Garibaldi Lake Task

Garibaldi Lake is a glacier fed lake near Squamish, British Columbia. Its beautiful turquoise waters are contained in the lake by a dam called The Barrier. The barrier was created by lava flow and is said to be unstable. It has already let water pass many times but only recent of 1856. AN eruption cause lava to flow but pooled when it came in contact with ice. The lava eventually created a ponded area. When the ice melted away the cooled lava flow formed a cliff. Water pooled behind the lava dam and created Garibaldi Lake. We were asked to find the estimated amount of water in Garibaldi Lake and what would happen if the barrier were to break.

Hike to turquoise waters of picturesque Garibaldi Lake near Whistler, BC, Canada. Very popular hike destination in British Columbia.

Estimate how much water the lake contains:

We can use the average depth and surface area to find the amount of water in the lake. First multiply the average depth (119m) with the SA (9.94km3) which gives us 1,182,860m3. Now we have to convert the metres cubed to litres because we are dealing with liquid mass. Take 1,182,860m3 and multiply by 1,000L which equals 1,182,860,000L, this is the estimated amount of water the lake holds.

What would happen if the barrier faulted?:

If the dam were to collapse the water would rush out into Rubble Creek and flood the valley below. It would cause damage to natural habitats and would affect many species. They would have to find a new home and adapt to new situations. It could also wipe out trees and flood nearby creeks as well as the Sea to Sky highway. However, most of the water would not flow out because there are uneven surfaces and the bottom of the lake. I think about 1/4 of the lake’s water would be kept inside any deep hallowed areas. A cubic meter of water at 4 degrees Celsius weighs 1,000kg. The temperature of the water is important because the density varies based on temperature. The water in Garibaldi Lake is about 2 degrees Celsius making a cubic meter of water 0.999944g.


Garibaldi Lake Hike near Whistler

Given information on OneNote

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