My Environmental Interactions

This assignment is asking us to reflect how our actions have consequences and how we can preserve the planet better. Driving: Driving is something I do everyday, when it’s either getting on the bus or driving to school the emissions affect the planet. The carbon emissions are bad for the geosphere and can cause unnatural […]

Bard in the Classroom

I thought that Bard in the Classroom was really fun and taught us a lot on what goes into acting and what skills you need to be in a play. I thought that the walking around while acting was really fun. The guys doing it were really optimistic and really helped to engage us in […]

How do cells multiply?

Meiosis and Mitosis: Meiosis is another process of cell division. When fertilizing an egg it is required for there to be two parents. Meiosis is the production of gametes also known as the sex cells (Egg and sperm cells). Each parents gametes only have 23 chromosomes so that half come from the mother and half […]

First Peoples Learning Principles/Class Comparison

In class we learned about the First Peoples Principles of Learning. These Principles of Learning can be easily applied to our in-class experience with Engineering Brightness and the Student SpaceFlight Experiments. “Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities” In the First Peoples’ culture, the focus is on making life better for future generations. This involves passing […]