First Peoples Learning Principles/Class Comparison

In class we learned about the First Peoples Principles of Learning. These Principles of Learning can be easily applied to our in-class experience with Engineering Brightness and the Student SpaceFlight Experiments.

“Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities”

In the First Peoples’ culture, the focus is on making life better for future generations. This involves passing on gained knowledge to the next generation. The next generation has a responsibility to use this knowledge to make a better life for the future generations.

When my group designed experiments for the SpaceFlight program we relied on past knowledge to design and implement our experiment. We also relied on past knowledge to see what experiments got picked and which ones didn’t, this made it easier to understand what kind of experiments they were looking for as well as gave us inspiration for our own experiments. We are also using pre-existing knowledge that has been passed onto us by scientists to facilitate our experiments in finding a renewable light source in our work with Engineering Brightness.

“Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experimental, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place)”

Learning in the First Peoples’ culture has four main components; significance, competence, power and virtue. Each on of these factors are important for true learning to happen. First, in order to learn, a person must have a sense of belonging and acceptance. Once they have a sense of belonging, true mastery (competence) can happen. With the mastery of skills or knowledge comes power, or inner strength. True power means that a young person has achieved independence. Lastly, as a result of learning, a person must have virtue. They must feel that they are a good human being and live a life of generosity and be able to share and give things that they value to others.

When I work within my group in class on our Engineering Brightness project, I am accepted. This helps me to share my ideas and hear the ideas that others have to offer. I have gained competence because I have been able to open my mind to new ideas. This project is helping me to be more reflective of my work and be more experimental in order to find out what works and what doesn’t. Eventually if hope to be able to achieve independence in my learning and discover things on my own. I will be able to share what I have learned with others.

This is our early prototype for our Engineering Brightness project

“Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions.”

This principle tells us that each person must take responsibility for their actions and that all actions have consequences. Actions may have consequences for the individual as well as for others. Since we are all related it is important to think about how our actions may affect family, community or the land. This principle also tells us that there is a need for authentic learning situations, and the need for the learner to be in charge of their own actions. Recognizing the consequence of their own actions can only really happen if the learner has made their own choices.

Being truly critical and reflective of my work caused me to do very well on my Student SpaceFlight Proposal Reflection. I took a lot of extra time to review my notes and think critically about my group’s work. I knew that if I didn’t take this time I would not truly comprehend and master this information.




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