- Capstone Introduction
- Captstone Brainstorm (word) OR Captstone Brainstorm (pdf). Add to myblueprint Life Skills portfolio.
- Cocktail Party planning
Due: Activitiy completed by Tuesday. There will be in-class time for the reflection and collage on Tuesday.
Go to myblueprint >Portfolios >Add Portfolio >Title:Life Skills >Add box > Add Media
These questions can guide your response, but not limit what is on your mind and what you would like to reflect on.
Please email with your response.
*Adulting assignment due today
FIRST: Complete this mandatory YPI survey.
Adulting Project is Due on Wednesday, Dec. 18th.
Please note that the Budget excel document from yesterday has been updated.
Here is how you will be marked: Adulting Marking Scheme
Please post to edublog with the tag BrandsmaAdulting. Be sure that the information is visible and not just links.
Include in your post:
Here is an advance look at the excel budget sheet …