Week 18 : Top 5 things I have learned from Pre-Cals11

1/ I learned about function but it’s more deeper than the program I studied in my home country. It was like we just know the way how to solve it faster. But in Pre-Cals11 I can know a lot of diffirent way like Factoring-Complete the Square- Quadractic Formula. Or a lot of diffirent type like parabola, hyperbola, linear,…

2/ Second one, after a lot of test. I just leanred about like I should be careful when i do the test. Also sort the time suitable for myself to complete it well.

3/ Third one, I learned how to share and discusted in group about the problem Ms.Burton teach in class.

4/ Fifth, about Absolute Value, it was like the things i studied before in my country. But for a long time, so i forgot a lot but right now i am studying it again, it reminds me a lot. And also know a lot of faster way to do it

5/ Last one, Before when i was still studying in Vietnam, i hated to do about graphing or drawn something a lot. Because it’s kinda complicated but when i study about graphing here, parabola, linear, asymptotes. It really made me insteresting and changed my mind.

Especially, Pre-Calculus helps me realized a lot of thing like i should more be careful when i do test and dont rush.!