Legalisation of Marijuana

Why It Should Be Legal:

Marijuana should be legal because marijuana is less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, so if tobacco and alcohol are more harmful and have caused many deaths around the world; where as, marijuana has not caused any deaths. Marijuana has an image of being a hard drug because it was illegal but Marijuana isn’t as addicting than other hard drugs or even alcohol and tobacco. It has a low dependence compared to other drugs. Marijuana has a real medical use for things like seizures, Parkinson, and terminal cancer patients. the cannabis plant itself contains CBD and THC. The CBD  is the more medical side and the THC is more of the recreational side, but we can control the amounts of THC and CBD in the plant strains to make it more medically beneficial.

Why It Should NOT Be Legal: 

Marijuana can damage the developing brain and because it is mainly used by teenagers and their brains are still developing, it may affect their behaviour due to the drug. Marijuana is a drug that physically affects you. Regular users may have major lung problems. It can affect pregnant women; it can cause birth defects, mental abnormalities, and can higher the risk of cancer in the children. Marijuana is also a gateway drug to other harder drugs especially for people using it recreationally.

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I want to get more sleep to improve my health by prioritising my schedule so I don’t stay up late. I want to travel more to experience different parts of the world. I want to eat more healthy because I feel eating healthier will help improve other things that make me healthier.