Photography 12 Portfolio Reflection

  • I found the simplistic layout of my portfolio most successful as I feel it contrasts well with what I said in the Artist Statement. I purposely only had pictures due to this reason and to me it helps to just to focus on the photos. I also found my choice of photos and the order I put it in successful as well because I didn’t use all my photos but the transition for each photo in order I really focused on so that the book would have a nice flow; In tried to transition from light to dark and dark to light with my photo order.
  • Honestly I didn’t find any part of the portfolio unsuccessful I felt everything from the layout to the order of the photos, the photos I chose, the cover picture, and the transition from each photo really successful.
  • If I were to redo a project it would be the Copycat project just because I really wanted to do this project, but felt limited to what I could copy as I wasn’t able to go out and shoot. I get a lot of inspiration from the photographer I chose and would’ve love to try and recreate more exciting and dramatic photos outdoors.
  • Overall I felt this was a really good year of photography because I learned so much. Especially about Lightroom and Photoshop, and how to use them both together. I never used Lightroom before and now it’s my “go to” when editing. with Photoshop this year I really pushed myself to add certain details and try to make them look as natural as possible. I was able to do this in most of my projects and then could edit the final photo in Lightroom. I really like how I was able to learn about something I will be able to use in the future.

Quick Meal Nutrition Analysis

Today for breakfast I had two chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup and strawberries. I also had a glass of milk with my pancakes. The pancakes themselves are a carbohydrate that provides your body with energy and the strawberries are a source of fibre. Fibre is important for digestion and also helps to make us feel fuller for a longer period of time. Carbohydrates and fibre are the macronutrients that were apart of my meal. With the pancakes and strawberries I had a glass of milk to go with it. Milk contains vitamin D and calcium that is a mineral which helps strengthen our bones and teeth.

Diffusion In Agar Cubes

  1. The 1cm x 1cm x 1cm cube was the one that had a diffusion percentage of 100% with our test  as it was the one cube that turned pink all the way through.
  2. it was the smallest size, so because there was less agar that the NaOH had to go through to produce the pink colour it was able to turn the entire cube pink within the amount of time. the important factors that affect how materials diffuse into cells and tissues are the size of the tissue or cell. Along with the size, the type of material, temperature, and concentration affect how materials diffuse into cells and tissue.
  3. The larger surface area allows the cell to diffuse better due to the fact that cell is in more contact with whatever material is being diffused into the cell, but if the cell grew then the volume would increase and the ratio of surface area to volume would decrease which would lower the effect of the diffusion as it would take much longer to get a percent diffusion of 100%.
  4. according to the data we recorded a higher surface area to volume ratio is more effective at maximizing diffusion, so because of that the 4:1 ratio would be the most effective. This means that the surface area is higher that the volume.
  5. To help exchange gases our body adapts the shape off the cells to make them have a decrease in volume and an increase in surface area. For example, our lungs expand so that we have take in oxygen and then let out carbon dioxide.
  6. Once surface area increases the volume will be small to maintain efficiency. So, if the size of cells increased it would no longer be efficient and diffusion could not happen throughout the entire cell.
  7. multicellular organisms which are animal and plant cells can have a larger surface area to volume ratio. They can have special features that include gas exchange, our lungs, and circulatory system, our blood. These features help and speed up the movement of materials into and out of an organism.

Protein Synthesis


  • The difference between mRNA and DNA is that DNA is made up with Deoxyribose sugar and mRNA is made up of Ribose sugar. There is also a difference with the pyrimidines, DNA has a thymine pyrimidine and mRNA has a uracil as a pyrimidine base. DNA has 2 backbone strands, whereas mRNA has 1 backbone strand
  • There are 3 phases within transcription
    • the unzipping and unwinding of DNA which separates the two backbone strands, as seen in the photo the DNA is not in a double helix shape and is separating.
    • Complimentary base pairing with DNA backbone, as seen in the photo the strand of RNA is formed as nucleotides covalently bond together and build an RNA backbone. This process is caused by the RNA polymerase.
    • Separation from DNA, shown in the photo below we see how the RNA now separates from the DNA after copying the information from the DNA template strand. From here the double helix shape would reform with the DNA.
  • This modelling process did a good job in showing the transcription process to capture the big ideas, but one thing that the model lacked was showing how nucleotides form to build RNA not just RNA bonding to the DNA strand.


  • Initiation
    • Ribosome holds a mRNA
    • The p-site reads the starting codon which is AUG, then the matching tRNA bring an amino acid
  • Elongation
    • The amino acid chain grows
    • The a-site reads the next codon on the mRNA strand and then brings the matching tRNA. From here the tRNA on the p-site transfers over to the tRNA on the a-site.
  • Termination
    • a stop codon will appear within the mRNA strand and there is no tRNA for a stop mRNA
    • The ribosome releases the mRNA.


  • The modelling process is accurate in showing the RNA and how the ribosome is holding it, also the overall tRNA building process it accurate, but one thing that is inaccurate is how the amino acid in the p-site and a-site match up with the codons.