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Personal Poem Assignment


The Season of Love


The season of love,

Where the pink flakes rains;

The season where a new red thread is made.


The season of love,

The season where her cheeks blushes red like the roses,

As she stared over the dancing flowers.


The season of love,

The season where the flower buds smile,

In a colourful flower field.


The season where the new red thread is made;

Where the pink flakes rains,

The season of love.

Type of Poem:


Inspiration / Motivation:

Love and the beauty of spring.

Rhyme scheme, explain why or why not:

No rhyme, because I think using rhyme in a lyric

poem makes it harder, and having no rhyme in

a poem makes me feel more free.

Poetic Devices used:





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Expanding Universe

In this activity, the balloon represents the universe and the dots represents the galaxies. The dot near the neck of the balloon, that’s called “M” is the Milky Way (our galaxy) and the point A-E is the neighbouring galaxies near the Milky Way.

In the 5 galaxies (dots), point E is the one that moved away the farthest from point M and point D is the one that moved away the farthest from point M.

And as we know, this activity is called the “expanding universe” which means this activity is like a model of how the universe is expanding. The scientists have discovered that the universe expands because the galaxies are pulling away from each other.

As I have said earlier, the balloon represents the universe, but there are some things that the balloon did not represent the universe, from what I know, the galaxies pulls away from each other at the same rate and when we did the activity, it did not.