Math blog post week 9

This week in math, I learned how to find the X intercepts in the standard form. I learned this late, but i still learned it in week 9. So to find the X intercepts we have to go back to our last chapter Solving for quadradics. First you would isolate to make X by itself so i subtracted by 1, then after that i sqaure rooted everything to get rid of the brackets, the from there i added 2 to the other side make it 2+/- square root of 1.

Math blog post week 8

This week in math, we learned how to use the X intercepts to find the Line of symmetry. To find the LOS, you take both X intercepts and you add them together then divide by 2. So in the picture below, the X intercepts are -4,0 and 2,0. 2-4/2= -1. Thats the line of symmetry.

Math blog post week 7

This week in Pre calc 11, I learned how to graph the vertex. I learned that when you are given the standard form, you can graph the vertex. In the brackets, you have the X value but a cool thing is that whatever number is in there, you change the sybol. So if it is -3 it really means +3. and the number right outside the brackets is the Y value; so given y=a(x-3)+3, we can tell that we need to graph (3,3) and that is our vertex.