My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

3 Reasons Why I Would be a Better Leader Than Jack

Jack being the strong-minded savage that he is has a lot of power over the boys on the island. He can appeal to them in a way that Ralph can’t, making the boys want to side with him over Ralph. Jack, compared to Ralph, has a very different idea of how life on the island should be. Jack believes that boys will be boys, and that they should enjoy their time on the island by hunting and exploring. Jack has no concern regarding getting the boys off the island, making him not the ideal leader for the group. However, if I was in Jack’s position, I would be a very different and much more logical leader for the group.


He Wants All Play and No Rescue.

All Jack Merridew cares about is hunting pigs and exploring the island. He disobeys all rules set by the group and reinforces that it’s his way, or the highway. Jack isn’t worried about getting rescued because his primary focus is having fun with the boys. I know that if I were in his position I would have to compromise work and play to keep the boys on my side. There has to be a balance between fun on the island and work to get them off the island. It’s impossible to keep boys at work all day everyday especially if they’re on a secret island without parents!

He is Selfish and Only He Cares About What He Wants.

Jack is a selfish, stubborn savage that won’t obey any rules of civilization. Jack knows what he wants and won’t settle for anything that doesn’t sit well with him. I could say that Jack means well and that his intentions are correct, but I’d be lying. Everything Jack does on the island is for himself and his own benefit. Jack does what he wants, when he wants to not thinking about the effects it has on others. If I we’re on the island, I would be sure that everyone’s voice felt heard and everyone’s ideas are considered but at the same time I would be a strong leader and make sure our plans get put into motion and the things I want done, get done.

He’s an Asshole

He only treats the boys he likes and the ones that follow him with respect. He doesn’t respect the rules set by the other boys and he has no filter when it comes to the things he says to Piggy. He is contently calling Piggy fat and putting him down, which is never a good way for a chief to lead. He doesn’t wait his turn to speak with the conch and he only wants to hunt for meat, by doing this it shows the disrespect he has for Ralph’s rules and for the other boys. If I were the leader of the boys I would be sure to treat everyone with the respect they deserve and never put down ideas of other just because they aren’t the same as what I think is best for the group.


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