DNA model

  1. How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another (you will need to research this).
    Gene are segment of DNA and chromosomes consist of DNA.
  2. Explain what these pieces represent:
  3. a) Licorice is the DNA ladders
  4. b) Marshmallows (each colour) are the steps. Pink is adenine, yellow is thymine, orange is cytosine, and green is guanine
  5. How did this activity help you understand the structure of DNA.

This activity shows me the absolutely example

Observing cells

1. Using your sketches and the photos you took of your plant and animal cells, explain:

                a. What do animal cells look like under the microscope? What cell structures are visible?

Animal cells look like it rounded shapes like eggs and I was able to see the nucleus in the cells.


                b. What do plant cells look like under the microscope? What cell structures are visible?

Plant cells look like rectangular shapes that are so close each other.


2. How can you tell plant cells and animal cells apart (if you only see them under the microscope)?

Animal cells are irregular shapes but plant cells are regular and constant.

3. We used methylene blue on the animal cell. Why was it important to treat animal cells with this compound?
Why didn’t we use it on the plant cells?

We can observe animal cells clearly, because animal cells don’t have a colouring matter, so we can’t compare them well. Plant cells have Chloroplast, so we can compare well without colouring matters.

4. Reflection:

What did you learn while doing this lab?

I learned the difference of animal cell and plant cell and the structure of those cells.

What questions arose while doing this lab? What are you curious about?

Why do they need to be in different shapes?


static electricity

What do you think are the 3 most important things we have learned about static electricity?

  • Electrons, neutrons, protons, and atom’ exact meanings
  • Transfer of electrons. A material that doesn’t have less electron than other material , because a material own electrons moved into other one so one is positive and other one is negative.
  •  If two materials are different their amount of  electrons from each other, they attract each other because one charge is positive and other one charge is negative.

What lab did you find the most helpful in understanding static? Explain how it was helpful.

  • the most helpful lab that used a balloon, a wool, a paper towel, and etc. it helped me to understand transfer of electrons.